I'm not sure if today's nap time noise was a plane or a brother...but she was upset. She was screaming, "mommy, mommy" as I hurried up the steps. But apparently my response time was insufficient. By the time I made it up the stairs she had stopped screaming, "mommy" and started screaming, "Cinderella!!!" :)
Welcome to the crazy, wonderful world of small humans - starring Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, Big Sis, Little Sis, Princess Aurora, Bubby, and Baby Sis...relatively speaking.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Save me Cinderella!
I'm not sure if today's nap time noise was a plane or a brother...but she was upset. She was screaming, "mommy, mommy" as I hurried up the steps. But apparently my response time was insufficient. By the time I made it up the stairs she had stopped screaming, "mommy" and started screaming, "Cinderella!!!" :)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Totally Diggin' the New Blank
It's a TaGgies blanket, and she loves it! She's a blanket girl in general. But she took to fiddling with all of the little tags right off the bat. It was very sweet to watch her checking it out.
Of course, you have to suck two fingers on your free hand to get the full experience!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Scenes from the Backyard
Big Sis took a break from swinging to talk to daddy on the phone.
Bug Hunting is a seriously prized past time at our house! Younger Brother prefers to hunt in the trees...
...while Biggest Brother looks under all of the big rocks.
Monday, July 28, 2008
"...no blue Monday in your Sunday clothes!"
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Late Nights and Cuteness
And I couldn't neglect to post this pic of Littlest Sis and Libbs!
We tried the hair bow on Libbs, but it wasn't her color. :)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Our Morning
Biggest Brother picked them out for her.
Younger Brother was trying to be a better source of entertainment.
Biggest Brother is taking after daddy in his ability to spring into the background of a photograph.
Checkups and More Checkups
Well, it's that time again...time for all of the yearly well-visits. Biggest Brother and Big Sis had a much easier go than Littlest Sis earlier in the week. However, we did still take an honorary trip to Target afterward.
Big Sis did not need any shots. She did however, get her toe pricked to test for anemia and lead. It was not a big deal. But to her, she had been mortally wounded. Here she is elevating her injury!
Big Sis however, was rendered totally unable to walk...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hangin' Out at Home
Littlest Sis was still having a pretty rocky day after getting shots yesterday. My sweet sweet girl was trying to make her feel better by sharing her balloon.
Meanwhile, Littlest Sis was kickin' back in her chair watching Baby Mozart. I love her dandelion puff hair!!!
He is not supposed to be doing this!
We got a little serenade from Obi Wan Kenobi.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Poor Little Leggers
Littlest Sis had her 4 month check-up today and she was not happy about it! She got three shots in her poor baby leggers. :(