Well, as I'm sure you have gathered from the previous post, someone at our house got a smile makeover this weekend. We were sitting at the kitchen table playing UNO when Little Sis got down and walked around to the other side. I have absolutely no idea how she achieved this with such flair. But somehow, while walking not running, her feet flew out from underneath her and she hit the floor face first. She cried of course, but not outrageously. So J picked her up and put her in his lap. And then we saw the blood. A LOT of blood! And a dark gap where I was not accustomed to seeing one. That's when we found her tooth, root and all, laying on the kitchen floor. BARF! OH MY GOSH! Not too many things faze me at this point, but this one did for sure! Want to see?

Want a closer look??
Actually, I'm sure you probably don't.
But I'm going to show you one just so you can experience the lurching feeling in your stomach that I had when I saw it.
You didn't know this was an interactive blog did you?
No need to thank me.

Ta Da!

I called the doctor on call and put her tooth in milk while we waited to hear the verdict regarding whether or not to replant it.
(Personally, the thought of ramming that whole big thing back up into the socket sounds even worse to me than getting it knocked out!)
Meanwhile, Sis's tears subsided almost immediately and she realized that she would be getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy. She began happily feeling the gap with her tongue, mmm.
I'm pretty sure her brothers were still upstairs crying at this point.
They were just a little bit freaked out!
The doctor and dentist came back with the unanimous decision to do nothing.
They said the risk of infection was too high to make it worth trying to replant a baby tooth.
It will grow back after all.....in 4 years!
So we gave her some ibuprofen and two bowls of pumpkin ice cream and tucked her into bed...

These were the goodies she awoke to in the morning.
(The magic wand was under her pillow, the Barbie was at the foot of her crib, and the balloons were covering the floor around her crib.)
As I mentioned, the Tooth Fairy is very good to losers of teeth under these circumstances!
She called me at work to excitedly tell me, "I got a Tooth Fairy!!"
Okay, so she's a little young to grasp the concept exactly.
But I'm pretty sure she isn't regretting having given her tooth the ol' heave ho!