Thursday, April 29, 2010


Little Sis had her 2 year check-up today.
Thankfully, she didn't need any shots, only a toe stick to collect blood for her hemoglobin and lead tests. She didn't even cry! At least not until the nurse tried to put a bandaid on her. She was not cool with that part!
I didn't take my camera to the appointment because I was anticipating that she was going to be quite upset.
But she did great!
We took the commemorative check-up pics out in front as soon as we got home.

Car driving by....don't worry Sis, they'll never see you now!

Her Stats:
She is 2 years and 1 month old.
34 inches - 37%
Head Circumference - 12%
And ... 20lbs/6oz
...which puts her, as usual, in the whopping zero percentile!
A friend of mine referred to her as, "pocket-sized" the other day. I thought this picture of her by the car gave a good perspective on how well that statement suits her.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Breakfast According To B

Younger Brother has always been a very able child. He enjoys a good challenge, and usually rises well to the occasion. And it keeps him out of trouble when his skills are put to good use! :) So a couple of weeks ago we implemented a new morning routine. While Daddy is driving Biggest Brother to school, and I am feeding Princess A, Younger Brother gets Big Sis and Little Sis out of bed, takes them downstairs, and gives them breakfast. He loves it! Princess A finished early today, so I was able to get a few shots of him in action.

Cereal is almost always the menu item of choice.
They frequently down two to three bowls a piece.
And that's Cheerios, Rice Krispies, or Raisin Bran.
If we get Lucky Charms as a weekend treat, forget it! The whole box is gone in one sitting!

Yes, I realize he is standing on the counter.
I'm also positive that he accomplishes far more perilous tasks on a daily basis.
(Refer back to any number of posts establishing that one.)

He always serves his sisters first.

Great job!
You're one heck of a 5 year old, Buggy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mommy Makeover

Ever since Big Sis got her make-up for ballet, she has been begging to give me a makeover. I told her I would be sure we found time over the weekend to do it.

Makeup Artist #1

Makeup Artist #2

Makeup Artist #2 was way past her bedtime, so she laid down a healthy dose of powder and headed off to bed.

But not before taking a good swipe at Makeup Artist #1


Eyeliner Pencil
Upon application, I was thankful it had not been recently sharpened!

Eye Shadow

Eyebrow Pencil

...and lipstick of course!

Except for the eyeliner being mid-lid, I thought she did a pretty darn good job!

Totally head shot worthy!
You're hired Sis!

She was so inspired by her artistry, that she asked me to help her draw a picture of the two of us together.

She carefully gave us both crayon makeovers.
And then the picture grew and grew in flair, until the final product was this...

That's me in pink shirt and capri pants holding Big Sis's hand in the blue dress.
Then daddy, who also got a makeover, is sitting on our arms.
Younger Brother is in the red shirt holding Big Sis's hand.
That's Grandpa G in the purple dress, standing on Younger Brother's head.
And that's Grandma K, also wearing a purple dress, parachuting from the paper airplane in my hand.

I think it was a little past someones bedtime! :)
Great Job Big Sis!
You get an "A" in make-up application, and in art!
...oh, and an "A+" in being a super fun girl!

Community Pants

Well, it's official. Two of my daughters are sharing clothes. Only, not the 2yo and the 3yo...the 2yo and the 4 month old!
On Little Sis, these jeans are capris. And on Princess A, they are ankle pants (and slightly more snug around the waist I might add). So now when I pull them out of the drier, I decide whose room to put them in based on who has the clean shirt to match them.

Princess A is quite proud!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Little Sis

Oh my gosh...Little Sis actually sat down and let me take her picture (as long as I could snap it in under 3.2 seconds)!
This deserves a blog post all its very own!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

All Dolled Up

Big Sis had her ballet pictures this week. I have to admit, as a then mother of boys, it was moments like these that I was sooo looking forward to when I gave birth to a baby girl! And Big Sis is totally a girl after my own heart. She comes to work with me and spends hours happily cleaning out stalls and water troughs...and spends just as long browsing the make-up and jewelry counter at Kohl's. Which incidentally, is where I took her to get this...

As I understand, it comes with the dance territory. But my 3yo now officially owns more make-up than I do! And she was thrilled about it! The lady at Kohl's gave her a little mini makeover in the store when we were picking out colors. And Sis kept walking along and plucking cosmetics from the shelves to stock her shopping basket. I had to downsize a little, explaining that she did not need four different shades of eyeliner.

This is her recital costume.
I hung it in the bathroom to dewrinkle before her pics.
They will be dancing to Edelweiss.

Time to get ready!
We took a "before" pic to show her crazy locks.

And an "after" pic!
Ooh, ahh!
Not all of her hair is actually long enough to reach that tiny bun, and there isn't enough of it to hold bobbi pins. Aussie Instant Freeze hairspray proved to be my very good friend.

And the make-up "after" pic!
Not too shabby for a mommy who is totally make-up impaired I thought.
She has on eyeliner, eyeshadow, blonde brow pencil, blush, and lipstick...and loves every last bit of it.
(For the record, regardless of how much she enjoys this, and how cute she looks all dolled up, I will never never ever subject my daughters to beauty pageants! Just had to put that out there.)
At the ballet studio...
The photographer asked me if I wanted them to photo shop off the scratch on her cheek. I told them to leave it. It's a memory. She's been telling everybody that daddy threw a cereal box at her. :)

After pictures she asked to go out back and see all the pretty flowers.

Which led to my favorite shot of the day:
Picking flowers...the lady-like way!
Guess she still has that little bit of farm girl in her.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rocking Chair

Someday she'll turn 16, and drive a car, and have her own life...and not be where I can reach out and touch her every minute of every day.

But that day is not today.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Big Brave Girl

As I mentioned in the last post, Princess A had her 4 month check-up today.

I can't imagine she could have had any idea where we were, but nevertheless, she did look visibly concerned upon arrival...

...or at least upon being laid down on the exam table. Still, she was very cooperative and didn't fuss a bit while the nurse came in and took all of her measurements.

Her Stats:
She is 4 months old
15 1/2 lbs - 84%
26 inches - 93%
head circumference - 90%
The doctor came in for his visit with her, and then it was time for (gulp) 3 shots and an oral vaccine!

We brought a comfy outfit to change into after so as not to irritate sore leggers.
And by the time I got it snapped up...

She was all smiles again!
(This picture is especially sweet to me because this is the face she made when I started singing the little lullaby that mommy wrote just for her.)

In fact, she got over her shots so quickly that....
"Ooh a dangly bug!"

Once back in her car seat, she did some singing of her own.

...and some cooing.

Princess A, you're such a delightful baby girl!
Mommy is so thankful for you!
You did a great job today!