Warning: Viewer Discretion Advised
Well, I have said it before. And I continue to stand by my assertion that "Murphy's Kid Law" truly does exist! In fact, it struck us not once, but twice this morning.
I was getting ready for work. Daddy had to work early today, so I was preparing to take all of the children with me to the farm. After a long process of baby feeding, hair combing, water bottle filling, sippy cup pouring and the like, we were finally ready to leave - well, just about.
After securing everyone in the appropriate car seats, I made no less than four trips back into the house to get one thing or another.
Okay. Finally, we were ready to leave!
As I prepared to back out of the garage, I thought to myself, "What's that smell?"
Actually, I knew exactly what that smell was...

Princess A had had a royal diaper explosion!
Murphy's Kid Law Fact #482: Exiting the house or property in any fashion, in preparation to travel to some other destination, will act as an instant stimulant to the bowels and bladders of small children.
The mess was all up her back, down the backs of both arms, in her car seat, and....

...all over the inside and outside of the adorable pink sun suit she was wearing
...for the first time!
Murphy's Kid Law Fact #683: Old, inexpensive, or otherwise designated "play" clothing will remain intact and unstained through multiple uses by multiple children. Nice, brand new, and/or "special" clothing will unequivocally be thrown-up on, pooped on, or christened by bright red Koolaid before it makes it to the laundry a second time.
In fact, I actually said to her as I dressed her in her new outfit this morning, "So, I suppose this means you will be blowing out your diaper today, huh."
Yes, Grandma M, I know, words words.
But she must have felt a whole lot better.
She was cleaned up, redressed, and out cold before we left the driveway.

And Mommy did make it to work.
This is what they do while I'm feeding horses and cleaning stalls.
Today, it was bagels and orange juice, and the Veggie Tales movie, "The Wizard of Haas."
Princess A was up just in time to see the feature presentation.
(No, her car seat does not face this direction for those who were wondering.)

It's okay Princess A, with toes as sweet as that, who could even notice the new pink sunsuit you aren't wearing.
And you proved my theory right yet once again!