Welcome to the crazy, wonderful world of small humans - starring Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, Big Sis, Little Sis, Princess Aurora, Bubby, and Baby Sis...relatively speaking.
Where have you been for the past 8 days?
I'm so glad you asked!
I have been crazy busy and contending with a healthy dose of computer problems...neither of which are conducive to projects involving picture files and the internet, unfortunately. :(
Hopefully, I will have the problem straightened out soon. I'm guessing that further backing-up and consequently deleting the some 20,000 images currently hanging out on my hard drive would be a good start. :)
In the mean time however, I shall entertain you with this priceless picture of Big Sis. I posted it a few days ago on my Facebook account. But being that I know more than several of you are not on Facebook, I just have to repost it here!
Prior to a portrait session earlier in the week, I was having an issue with one of my lights. In order to diagnose the problem, I called Big Sis into the room to be my test model. I just happened to catch her off guard straight out of the jumparoo and ended up with this totally hilarious pic. It looks like a mugshot of someone from Fame! I laugh every time I see it. Enjoy! ;)