Way back when, Big Sis earned a special trip to the zoo for memorizing the 10 Commandments and she invited Little Sis to come along with her. Wellll, Little Sis had one of her classic meltdowns and screamed pretty much the entire time. Even though Big Sis was very gracious about it, Daddy promised her a second outting at a later date, just the two of them.

Daddy always makes good on his promises. And since he's off work this week, he asked Big Sis what she would like to do for her second outting. Her choice - get dressed up and go on a dinner date with Daddy!
Truly unrelated, a couple of days ago when they were at Kohl's she called me from his phone to tell me about the 55% off sign she saw on holiday dresses. So before their date, I thought it was fitting to take her back over to pick out a special dress to wear. She came home and got all fancied up before he was allowed to see her. But it must have been meant to be, because he just so happened to dress up too - in a pink and black tie that matched her new pink and black dress just right. Of course, they weren't getting out the door without a picture!
How cute are they?!