Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Beginnings - Of Every Kind

A lot has happened in the 3 years since my last official post!

We bought a new home.  
Well, it's old and charming actually, but new to us.

We welcomed a son!
He's kind of the sweetest little man ever.
(I'll introduce him to you in the next post.)

And our marriage sustained a substantial blow.
In fact, it very nearly ended.
I contemplated whether or not to bring that up here.  But I'm of the opinion that pretending life is something that it isn't doesn't do anybody any good.  So, it is what it is.

I also learned that God is faithful.

He made a way before we ever knew we'd need one.

And this is us today.

(Yes, better do a head count.)

The little doll baby in the middle?

We added her too!
In fact, her middle name is Josephine
after the words of Joseph in Genesis 50:20

"You intended to harm me, but God has purposed it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

And with that, we begin again...

Saturday, February 21, 2015


3 years - to the day!!  Coincidence?  Who knows.  But I'm going to go with "no," not a coincidence.  I was just sitting here thinking about what a shame it was that I let this blog go.  It was, after all, like a daily diary of my children's childhood.  I love looking back on it every now and again, and reliving in some small way all of the memories stored up here.

So, thinking about what a crying shame it is that I haven't posted anything in a very long time, I logged in (well, after about a dozen failed attempts because I couldn't remember my password) to see how long.  February 21, 2012.  3 years - exactly!

I'm going to take that to mean that it's time to find the time I profess not to have, to start leaving our little memory trail of bread crumbs here once again.

Now to figure out how to post pictures on this updated site!  A LOT has changed here, and here!