Reason #582 why big brothers are the coolest...
And some big brothers are extra extra cool!
Bear with me while I reminisce a minute.
I absolutely love these photos I got of Younger Brother and Bubby playing this morning! They were going to be all I posted today. But I got to thinking about the relationship these two have.
When I was pregnant with Bubs, Younger Brother was hoping and praying he would be a boy. He wanted a baby brother sooo badly!
After three little sisters in a row, he finally got his wish.
(Not that he doesn't love his sisters too, but ya know, it's different.)
He was doubly excited when Baby Sis was born and Bubs became his roommate. It was then that I
really started to see their relationship blossom.
(YB loves to spiff up their room and build train tracks and forts and all kinds of other fun things for Bubs to do. When it storms at night, he always comforts him and takes care of him. He tells me how he gets Bubs to smile so God can take his picture with the lightning.)
And of course, as always, Younger Brother is party central!
He's all about maximum fun - all the time!
The older Bubby gets, the more and more he cashes in on that.
So initially, I thought Younger Brother was the one who scored big when he got a baby brother - but now, I'm pretty sure Bubs hit the jackpot when he got a big brother like him!