Yesterday morning, I spent a little extra time just watching Baby Sis move about her world in all of her toddler glory. Okay, let's be real, there's hardly time to do anything but keep your eyes on a toddler - every second of every minute of every waking hour.
But that aside, I do find these curious little developing humans quite fascinating - even if it's in a laugh so you don't cry sort of way.
Listed below are the nuggets of toddler wisdom I gleaned from our time together:
On Pet Care:
Dogs need company while they eat.
They also prefer to have their food presented buffet-style in order to enjoy each kibble, one at a time.
On Helpfulness:
If you see Mom using bags to pick up dog poop in the yard, expedite her work by bringing the poop to her in your hands and placing it in the bag.
On Gardening:
Don't discriminate; vegetables come in all shapes and sizes.
Green tomatoes want to be picked too.
On Being a Clean Plater:
The most efficient way to clear your plate is to pack every piece of food on it into your mouth at the same time...
and then deposit it in the trashcan behind the island.
On Comedy:
Fake sneezing and launching sunglasses off of your face is hilarious every time. It's recommended to borrow someone else's sunglasses.
Big brothers can "fix" sunglasses.
On IT:
Push as many keys as possible; computers love that.
On Independence:
Why wait for assistance with getting things out of the refrigerator when you can assist yourself?
It's the considerate thing to do, really, when you consider that this process must be repeated multiple times throughout the day for no apparent reason.
The same applies to sinks.
On Personal Space:
Just kidding.
Personal space isn't really a "thing" around here.
On School Supplies:
Pencils go on the wall. Markers go in the pencil sharpener. And scissors are best used with a rapid, double-fisted, snapping motion akin to trimming shrubs.
On Being a Mom:
Exhausted. Completely exhausted.
Mentally. Physically.
And love
with the ferocity to level mountains.
Nap sweetly, Baby Sis!
We'll do it all over again in 2 hours.
Or 27 minutes.
"See that you do not look down an any of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."
Matthew 18:10
We'll do it all over again in 2 hours.
Or 27 minutes.
"See that you do not look down an any of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."
Matthew 18:10