Baby Sis is always full of toddler philosophy when I'm tucking her into bed at night. It's probably a stalling tactic, but I always like hearing what she has to say.
I ask her, "Whaddaya know, Jo?"
Last night she told me she has two grandmas and two grandpas. They wear glasses. The store has people with glasses - and milk, orange juice, Powerade, cheese, and broccoli.
She makes sure to comment on whether or not the sun is awake or asleep.
(We used that illustration as a way to teach her how not to get up before dawn.)
Consequently, she is not at all on board with going to bed while the sun is still awake.
Bubby has long referred to naptime as "sunny bedtime." So I've started addressing it as such to ease the protest.
Tonight as I was tucking her in, she said something that sounded like, "Budsr in bed."
She kept repeating it because I wasn't quite understanding.
"Brother's in bed?"
"Birds in your bed?"
(Yes, that was it.)
"What about the birds?"
"Turn on," she said.
She has a mobile of bird chimes from our dear, great aunt that hangs above her bed. It's not unusual for her to ask me to chime them, so I thought that's what she meant.
"Turn on these birds?" I asked.
"No, outside."
"You want me to turn on the outside birds?"
"Yes," she replied, "I want to see the sky."
So tonight in my toddler philosophy class I learned:
1. She judges time not only by the sun being awake but also the birds - and she can "see" the sky during the day.
2. She thinks that I have the ability to turn night into morning - which is awfully, awfully sweet.
"Goodnight, Baby Girl."
I look forward to hearing what you know again tomorrow.