Dried tears around the eyes, clear runny nose, pitiful puppy dog look...

Ah yes, the face of teething! A molar to be exact.
It's okay Littlest Sis, Mommy can help.

Here, try this...it's an ice cube in a wet washcloth. Trust me, you'll like it.
hmm...worth a try


Incidentally, I noticed
Sis's new molar on our trip to the Pediatrician this morning. It was check-up day for both girls.

And neither one was happy about it. Big Sis will play the sympathy card all day for an occasion such as this! Thankfully no one got shots today!
Here are her stats:
Big Sis is 2 1/2 years old
34 1/4 inches.....13th percentile
27lbs.....24th percentile
Borrowing from Mary Poppins, "Practically Perfect In Every Way!"

Littlest Sis wasn't too happy about the appointment either, though Big Sis definitely had her beat on the inconsolable scale!
Her Stats:
Littlest Sis is 11 1/2 months old
28 1/2 inches.....34th percentile
16lbs 3oz......1st percentile
In other words, "A Whole Lot of Wonderful in an Itty Bitty Package!" :)

While at the doctor, I assured Big Sis that she could play with that very same bead toy at home and not need to wear a
hazmat suit! Yeah, we stay a mile away from the toys at the Pediatrician's office! Suddenly, this toy that's been sitting in the corner of our living room got a lot more exciting.

That is until a tug-of-war broke out between the girls.

Big Sis sent Littlest Sis a
clearly discernible nasty gram for not sharing!

Littlest Sis did not seem to care.
Meanwhile....the boys were upstairs playing. I know it has nothing to do with the rest of this post, but I had to take a pic! I think he was going for Darth Vader.

But he totally looks like Lord Helmet! :)
heheIf you are unfamiliar with Lord Helmet
click here.
Your kids are just adorable. I see that you are having fun with hair do's! I wish I could get Ember still for a moment to tame her wild mane....I think in a couple months she'll be at a better age for doing hair,haha. I'm glad thier appointments went well. Ava & Ember have their 3 & 2 year appointments in May...Ava's will be 6 months late and Ember's will be right on time! Ava loves the Dr. and last time we went Ember was terrified! I too keep the kids away from the germ filled toys. I was happy to see they removed the crusty slide from our Dr's office...it was just soooo tempting to the kids!
Your kids are just adorable. I see that you are having fun with hair do's! I wish I could get Ember still for a moment to tame her wild mane....I think in a couple months she'll be at a better age for doing hair,haha. I'm glad their appointments went well. Ava & Ember have their 3 & 2 year appointments in May...Ava's will be 6 months late and Ember's will be right on time! Ava loves the Dr. and last time we went Ember was terrified! I too keep the kids away from the germ filled toys. I was happy to see they removed the crusty slide from our Dr's office...it was just soooo tempting to the kids!
By the way your girls look beautiful in Springtime colors!
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