It was so nice out this afternoon, we decided to switch the evening routine around a little and spend some time outside.

Littlest Sis has been a much happier girl since she started walking and can experience the fun things her siblings can do.

Bug is always climbing something!
His Preschool teacher told me that during circle time he volunteered, "My mommy gets upset when I climb on the roof."


Littlest Sis
loves "fl-owies!"

Younger Brother took this picture of a spider he found. You may need to click on the pic to be able to see it, but it's a pretty nice shot.

I thought this captured him well!
Thank goodness his agility seems to be well-matched with his fearlessness!

Biggest Brother didn't meander outside until the tail end of my picture taking...but I think this picture I got of him makes up for it.

And as I was taking the above picture of Biggest Brother, I turned around just in time to narrowly escape an attack from Sissy Swamp Monster!
She was diverted by an offer to go watch Barbie...
1 comment:
although i love all of these photos, i think sissy swamp monster takes the cake.
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