Every once in a while we try to find something extra special that just one or two of the kids can go do all by themselves...as in, without all brothers and sisters in tow. Last time, it was the boys who got to go to the Star Wars live orchestra event. This time, it was Big Sis and Little Sis and Disney on Ice!

They were mesmerized.
Little Sis just stood there frozen the way she does, and every so often she'd put her little hands together and do a timid little clap without ever breaking her stare.

Grandpa G always delivers in the department of fun.
He strolled off at intermission and returned with a big bag of cotton candy and what seemed to be the bottomless snow cone!

The girls polished off the entire bag of cotton candy before the start of the second act!

I have to say, Grandpa was a
very good sport considering that both girls were sitting with him, and there is really no graceful way to feed 1 and 3 year old children cotton candy and snow cones!....

and considering that he had to return to work at his very public job with sticky goodness all down the front of his sweater!

Despite the sugar high, the girls did actually sit through the entire show. They loved it! Big Sis has been sliding around the kitchen in her socks today telling me that she's ice skating.

Afterwards, we dropped Grandpa off at work and stopped in to surprise Daddy.

The girls ran around his place of employment like crazy people, and promptly crashed out cold the minute we got back in the truck.
Thanks Daddy and Grandpa for arranging a super fun Girls Night Out!
1 comment:
Im jealous, how fun! We brought the girls to Disney Princesses on Ice back when Ava was 2 and Ember was 7 months old....Ava loved it...Ember was just too little though! I bet your girls had sooo much fun! I love all the pics :)
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