Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tea Party Day!

J made a deal with the boys that once they were able to successfully memorize and recite the 10 Commandments, they would get to go on a special trip of their choice. Younger Brother's pick was one of the big amusement parks in our state. Biggest Brother would prefer something else, so we thought his vacation would be the perfect time to plan Younger Brother's special trip. J took the day off on Monday, and the two of them had a rip roaring fun day! (I'm hoping to talk J into posting pics on his blog so I can add a link to mine.)

Anyway, since all of the M family men folk were away, the girls and I decided to plan a special day of our own. They have known since last week that Monday was going to be "Tea Party Day," and they were sooooo excited. Big Sis woke up in the morning and came running out of her room shouting, "It's TEA PARTY DAY!!!" As though she herself were going on vacation! :)

Tea Party Day began with a trip out to feed the horses, and then it was time to bake some very special cupcakes!

Why don't you let me help you open that Sis.

Big Sis apparently takes her baking duties very seriously!

It wouldn't be a truly princessified tea party without pink cupcakes, with pink icing, in princess baking cups of course.

But it's so hard to wait for them to cool!
Big Sis decided to help them along a little with her nail drier.

Fact: Just about any item you can think of can come in a "Disney Princess" theme...but you'll pay for it!
These sprinkles were just too cute to pass up! Those are Sleeping Beauty's crowns, Snow White's apples, Cinderella's glass slippers, and beads.

Big Sis responded with an appropriately princess-like gasp when Little Sis took a forbidden pre-tea party taste of one of the cupcakes.
Once the cupcakes were ready and the table was set, it was time to get dressed for the occasion.
The girls were so excited, they went flying into Princess A's room to wake her up....about 35 minutes into her typically 2-3 hour nap (more on that in a minute.)
They each picked out a dress and the way they wanted to wear their hair.
Princess A was not left out of the fun, and they even picked an outfit for me too!
It's probably a very good thing that the lens I was using did not allow me to zoom out far enough to get a shot of myself!
My outfit included a purple fuzzy tiara, purple high heels, a clover green bridesmaid dress, rhinestone jewelry, and pig tails. Let your mind wander.

Princess A, on the other hand, looked dazzling in her first ever princess dress!

The girls were very excited to have her join the ranks!

See? I knew there was a legitimate reason to stock princess dresses in every size from a 12 month to a 4T! :)

Oh seriously, how cute is that?!
Let the tea party begin!!!
My hands were a bit too tied up to take pictures, but their very favorite part was the, "Here ye! Here ye!"
Followed by pretend trumpet fanfare, and the announcement that "Princess (fill in the blank) has arrived!"
Then they were each marched one at a time through the piano room, and into the royal banquet room (aka formal dining room), to a special grand entrance song hummed by me....which sounded an awful lot like the UGA fight song. :)
We probably repeated this step at least a half a dozen times, a piece.

Chocolate Ovaltine actually.
Their request.

Remember that part about Princess A being jolted from a sound sleep less than halfway through her nap??

She was cleary not enjoying the party.
So she politely excused herself and retired to her quarters, where she slept another 2 and a half hours and woke up delightful!

Big Sis and Little Sis on the other hand, loved every minute of their cupcakes, oval"tea'"n, and girlish conversation!

After 3 or 4 rounds of cupcakes and tea, they were sufficiently sugared up, and ready for some dancing!

They love to dance to the demos on my clavinova!

This carried on for 30 minutes or so...

And then, at last, the castle fell silent.
The very first M daughter Tea Party Day was a royal success!!!


Unknown said...

i love love love it!

Allison said...

How cute! I love all your pictures. Your girls look like they had a great time. :-) (and even though Lucy was NOT happy...that picture of her is adorable!)

Britni said...

What a perfect girls only day!! :)