You might be a mother of many small children if;
the day is done, toys are picked up, kids are in bed, the house is quiet, you walk into the living room to sit down for the first time in hours, turn on the light, and find...
on your couch.
Hey! It's, "Corn-on-the-couch!"
*giggling to self*
Er, um, (cough), okay sorry.
Hmmm, I wonder who could have left me this present??
Certainly, it could not have been...
(flashback to 2hrs prior)

Noooo, surely not!
Was I mad?
You know, considering the puddle of buttery goodness on the cushion surrounding the little gem?
Actually no, I was not mad.
(And not because I enjoy living like animals.)
Partially because our couch has been on its last leg for years and we have intentionally not replaced it for just such occasions.
But that's not the point.
(And not that these types of things don't aggravate me from time to time.)
But really, I will be sad one day when they are grown
and my house does not offer up these little reminders that, "Your baby was here."
And admit it, it is kind of funny finding corn on the cob on your couch.
this is me, throwing tomatoes for the corn on the couch joke. BOOHISS. hahaha ;)
I LOVE the picture of her sitting on the steps. That should go in a contest or something because I think people would find it really cute and amusing.
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