So, remember my mention in the last post of those lovely fall family photos I was hoping to take?? Ah yes, well, here is just a minute snippet of what I was actually able to obtain. Minute, literally, because I think I took over 200 photos just of our family. I sooo wanted a group photo of all of the kids together! Behold, a prime example of why it benefits a mother of many small children to learn to operate a camera. Why?...

...Because there is absolutely no way I could take my five (albeit wonderful) children to a department store studio...

...and in six shots manage to get a good picture of everybody looking at the camera and smiling,
And no one bumping into anyone else, crying,
or scowling.

...Therefore, I will do it myself.
For free.
And try my best to be thankful for the fact that the Lord must clearly be working on my propensity toward perfectionism.
Because, in all of those 200+ attempts to get the perfect picture of my dear smiling children, politely snuggled together in the golden autumn leaves...

This is what I got!
How does that much personality fit into five such small people? Wonderful pictures, just wonderful.
You are too hard on yourself! I know... as a Mom, you want a perfect picture of all of you...I'm one to talk, why do you think we stopped at 3 children!!
I think they came out super cute...considering you have 5 kids to get to look and smile in one direction!! They are all so adorable
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