Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We Wish You A Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

...and a "baby" girl who's now BIG!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Steppin' Out (with his girl)

Way back when, Big Sis earned a special trip to the zoo for memorizing the 10 Commandments and she invited Little Sis to come along with her. Wellll, Little Sis had one of her classic meltdowns and screamed pretty much the entire time. Even though Big Sis was very gracious about it, Daddy promised her a second outting at a later date, just the two of them.

Daddy always makes good on his promises. And since he's off work this week, he asked Big Sis what she would like to do for her second outting. Her choice - get dressed up and go on a dinner date with Daddy!

Truly unrelated, a couple of days ago when they were at Kohl's she called me from his phone to tell me about the 55% off sign she saw on holiday dresses. So before their date, I thought it was fitting to take her back over to pick out a special dress to wear. She came home and got all fancied up before he was allowed to see her. But it must have been meant to be, because he just so happened to dress up too - in a pink and black tie that matched her new pink and black dress just right. Of course, they weren't getting out the door without a picture!

How cute are they?!


Monday, December 12, 2011

How Many Is A Crowd?

Based on our bed at bedtime last night, I'm going with...

yep, this many!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"More party?"

As aforementioned in the post, "T'ea is for Toes", Friday is Tea Party Day! Normally, I am with Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, and Big Sis at their homeschool campus that day; but thanks to the holiday and a heating issue in the building that hosts us, we've had the past two Fridays off. I've decided these pics from an all-inclusive, whole family, M Family Tea Party Day are totally better off posted late than never! I mean, you just can't miss out on...

fine china



etiquette - or lack thereof

and dessert-time entertainment.

Oh, the entertainment!

It really can't be beat.

Biggest Brother opened the show with an original song called, "If I Had A Piece Of Clothing That Wasn't Frozen."

an instant chart topper for sure

and Daddy tuned the guitar as Younger Brother took the stage

with his own rendition of, "I Am Singing At The Party"

"...and Daddy is Captain America..."

they picked up a lead singer somewhere along the way

and jammed to their hearts' content

then Little Sis brought it down a notch with the tender original, "Chocolate Pudding"
while donning a moustache of - chocolate pudding

Biggest Brother does not take it down notches

I love my kids - they're hilarious

In the words of Princess A when she holds out her cup for a refill,

"More party?"


Monday, November 14, 2011

18%Grey ~ 100%Love

Who's the best assistant a photog could ask for?!

Thanks for helping Mommy white balance, Honey Buns.

~"concentration tongue" and everything~

You're such a hard worker!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Water Filtration 101

We had a fun new science project to do for school today. One of J's friends got the boys this kit a few days ago, and we finally had a chance to try it out.

Always start by reading the directions of course.

#5 was my personal favorite.

Well, since smuggling water samples from your friendly neighborhood porta-john is frowned upon apparently, our "dirty water" was a mixture of tap water, vegetable oil, and dirt.

We assembled the filter column, poured the dirty water in the top, and watched it trickle down through the gravel filter, the sand filter, the active carbon filter, and finally the paper filter.

Lookie there! It worked!

The kids were super excited to see the formerly brown water emerging on the other side crystal clear.


(Before and After)

Thanks for the science project, Mr. J !

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Smile if you love group photos!!!

Would it really be a true M Family group photo if there weren't at least one person having a moment?? Surely not! Does that ever hinder my endless pursuit of just one charming picture of all five of my kidlins together?? Nope!

That is why today, when I had to run back out to the farm to give the barn cat his insulin, I thought it would be a great opportunity to snap a few "quick pics" of all of the kids together on the scenic little tree lined lane.

My plan to prop Princess A on our pony saddle to keep her in one desired location worked famously...exceeeept that she did not want her siblings anywhere inside her personal bubble (presumably cramping her equestrienne style), much less hugging her as they had attempted in the frame before this one.

Soooo, plan B: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

"Okay guys, this is going to be the angry family picture!"

Little Sis didn't quite get the memo.
Which, on a related note, what the heck?! She refused to smile for at least a dozen pictures prior to this one!

Oh well, it is truly an M Family group photo at its finest!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I just sat down to eat my lunch, and....

...hmmm, it appears that something got a hold of this apple before I did!

Small bite radius, complete set of front teeth - I have a sneaking suspicion that a Princess A may have passed this way.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"T"ea is for Toes

A tradition has been born here on the home front. Friday is the day that Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, Big Sis, and I all attend classes on their homeschool's campus. And Daddy has the whole morning at home with Little Sis and Princess A.

The tradition began a month or so ago with a Friday morning tea party complete with the use of the good china and chocolate milk (and very vanilla soy milk for Princess A of course.)

And it has developed into a much anticipated weekly event.

Now, it is a Daddy and princess(es) tea party preceded by a royal pedicure.

And believe me, toddler toes are not easy to paint! Not only do you have to get them to hold still long enough to maneuver the brush within the tiny workspace, but then you have to keep them from bumping anything until the polish is dry.

I have to say he does a darn good job!

Two weeks ago they were red, last week blue, and this week purple!

You look lovely ladies!

And your tattoo tough Daddy is pretty cute too.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Brush and Floss

I wonder if I should tell J that I caught Little Sis vigorously brushing her hair with his toothbrush, or let him figure it out on his own...

Mmmm, tasty!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Worthy Intermission

Where have you been for the past 8 days?
I'm so glad you asked!
I have been crazy busy and contending with a healthy dose of computer problems...neither of which are conducive to projects involving picture files and the internet, unfortunately. :(

Hopefully, I will have the problem straightened out soon. I'm guessing that further backing-up and consequently deleting the some 20,000 images currently hanging out on my hard drive would be a good start. :)

In the mean time however, I shall entertain you with this priceless picture of Big Sis. I posted it a few days ago on my Facebook account. But being that I know more than several of you are not on Facebook, I just have to repost it here!

Prior to a portrait session earlier in the week, I was having an issue with one of my lights. In order to diagnose the problem, I called Big Sis into the room to be my test model. I just happened to catch her off guard straight out of the jumparoo and ended up with this totally hilarious pic. It looks like a mugshot of someone from Fame! I laugh every time I see it. Enjoy! ;)

Monday, October 10, 2011

See Princess A...

See Princess A run.

Made you smile, didn't it?!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bad Deal

Me: "Okay girls, I'm ready to play Barbies now."

Big Sis: "MOMMM...[Little Sis] told me when it was time to play Barbies she'd give me back Belle!"

Me: "[Little Sis], did you tell [Big Sis] that you would give her back Belle??"

Little Sis: "I lied to her."


On the upside, I am wholly convinced that Big Sis will make the very best college roommate imagineable.

She has a superb ability to coexist peacefully with anyone!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Update Actualizacion

I'm a few days delayed in posting this; but as it turns out, the Tooth Fairy pays extra for translation services...

And the next morning as Younger Brother sat eating breakfast with his loot spread out before him, he lost another tooth! Yes, this time it was his top front tooth. Aaaaand, he swallowed it.

Biggest Brother was just tickled pink (and wasted no time in reminding me) that I would need to write yet another note to Younger Brother's, "Spanish speaking" Tooth Fairy.

Thank you, Biggest Brother!

As dictated to me by Younger Brother and translated by babblefish.com:
"I accidentally probably swallowed my tooth maybe. Please still give me money and visit me tonight."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hada de los Dientes

Translation: Tooth Fairy

Why do I know this?

Because of Biggest Brother's waggery, that's why!

Younger Brother just lost a tooth. He noticed that a couple of weeks ago when Biggest Brother (who no longer believes in the Tooth Fairy) lost a tooth, he got to keep it. He asked me why the Tooth Fairy hasn't ever let him keep one of his teeth. So I told him the next time he lost a tooth he just needed to put it in a baggie with a note asking the Tooth Fairy not to take it.

Remembering the discussion, Biggest Brother (who is very good about playing along for the sake of the younger siblings) came trotting into the kitchen with Younger Brother, the baggie, and the tooth in tow; and announced that he had given Younger Brother the inside scoop on what to do.

Then he smiled slyly and added, "Oh, and I told him his Tooth Fairy speaks Spanish."

Ha ha, Biggest Brother, you're soooo hilarious!

(Okay, so it is pretty funny...)

After sending out a plea to my bilingual facebook friends and consulting babblefish.com, I was finally able to come up with this...

"Dear Tooth Fairy, Please don't take my tooth. Thanks!"

We'll see if it works! ;)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Mr. Mom"

I couldn't resist snapping this picture of my dear hubby making his way from exhibit to exhibit at the zoo today. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011


What does 1 phone call that Mom has to take + 1 Princess A + 1 Beagle Dog = ?

Mmm hmm, that's right you two...

I'm watchin' you!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bon Appetit

I had to post a picture of the true delicacy bestowed upon me last night! As I was getting the girls ready for bed, Younger Brother bounced into the room and declared,

"Close your eyes! Now.......open!"

He proudly presented me this with this surprise dinner goodness.


No really, you must have a closer look...

Oh yes my friends, that is none other than spinach salad topped with grape tomatoes, croutons, dots, caramels, diced gummy worms...and a raspberry vinaigrette!
Oh, and a Reese cup on the side.

A perfectly sensible selection for tossed greens, don't you think?

(Actually, if you know me well, it does sort of make perfect sense.)


I thanked him enthusiastically for his thoughtfulness.

Then yes of course...

I ate it.

(Well, after quietly segregating an ingredient or two.)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Big Sis just finished up her last soccer practice of the season. I commend her for continuing to have a good attitude and participate wholeheartedly even though soccer didn't end up being her favorite activity ever.

And also getting props this season are Little Sis and Princess A

who waited patiently through all of Big Sis', Biggest Brother's and Younger Brother's practices and games.

Well, okay...

Even though the sidelines in the summer didn't turn out to be the worst place for a kid to be!

We'll give you the props anyway, Little Sis.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Raindrop Roulette"

Hey, kids....see if you can run from the porch to Grandpa's car and back without getting wet!

Um, Grandpa...I don't think they stand a chance!