As aforementioned in the post,
"T'ea is for Toes", Friday is Tea Party Day! Normally, I am with Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, and Big Sis at their homeschool campus that day; but thanks to the holiday and a heating issue in the building that hosts us, we've had the past two Fridays off. I've decided these pics from an all-inclusive, whole family, M Family Tea Party Day are totally better off posted late than never! I mean, you just can't miss out on...

fine china



etiquette - or lack thereof
and dessert-time entertainment.
Oh, the entertainment!
It really can't be beat.

Biggest Brother opened the show with an original song called, "If I Had A Piece Of Clothing That Wasn't Frozen."

an instant chart topper for sure

and Daddy tuned the guitar as Younger Brother took the stage

with his own rendition of, "I Am Singing At The Party"

"...and Daddy is Captain America..."

they picked up a lead singer somewhere along the way

and jammed to their hearts' content

then Little Sis brought it down a notch with the tender original, "Chocolate Pudding"
while donning a moustache of - chocolate pudding

Biggest Brother does not take it down notches

I love my kids - they're hilarious
In the words of Princess A when she holds out her cup for a refill,
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