Okay, here we go! I finally got a minute to go back through all of the pictures from the past two...well, longer than two now...weeks of Christmas vacation. I've decided they're too much fun not to post even though it is January. So, part one of a great big Christmastime recap comin' right up......

First, there were the preparations.
Grandma and Grandpa M invited the kids over to decorate their tree...and anything else to which one could affix bows.

Aww, it's carbon dating, Little Sis style.
You can guestimate how old these pictures are based on the fact that she still has two front teeth!
To be specific, I believe this was tooth-knocking-out eve.

Younger Brother wrapped the tree up with beads in the spirit of an evergreen straight jacket.

Princess A was noticeably proud to command the region beneath the tree.

I'm not sure how "Hoot" hitched a ride to Grandma and Grandpa's. But he was included in the decorating too.

(I know I'm biased, but I think she's beautiful.)

Behold, the finished product!

It was inspiring...

...thought provoking...

...karate-chopping-Hoot worthy!

And then it was time for Veggie Tales.

(I think she's beautiful too.)
(For the record, I'm biased x5)
But as I was saying -
It was time for Veggie Tales...

...and grapes with Grandpa.

...and cuddles with Grandma.

...and that infamous group photo that really never goes as planned!

...and siblings that are hilarious.

Before we left, I took a quick inventory of all of the adornments that had been distributed.
There were little red bows on as far as the eye could see!
...on the refrigerator...

...on the fan...

...on the cabinets...
Grandma told me later that she found a bow tied around her dustpan!
The kids were pretty much still full of energy when I herded them out the door, way past their bedtimes, a little after 11PM!
Grandpa and Grandma on the other hand...
HAHA! The last pic is my favorite of the lot!
I finally found the card with your blog information and checked out all your cool pictures. It makes me miss all the fun days when my children were wild and crazy and I was so busy I couldn't think straight. Call me I need to talk to you. You can call when everyone is a sleep. I'm up till 12. Roxanna
so many smiles .. so many memories of a lifetime! love them all (pictures too)!
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