Yesterday was Craft Tuesday! I posted all of these pics late last night, and promptly fell asleep before captioning any of them. What can I say, it's been a busy week! Anyway, as you know we have chosen to homeschool Younger Brother. (Actually, it looks as though we will likely be homeschooling them all next year; but that's another topic for another post.) Anyway, it seems to have worked out that each day of the week has developed its own theme. Review Monday, Library/Field Trip Thursday, and a house favorite....Craft Tuesday! I am the one in charge of the academics, and J is (among other things) in charge of thinking up and executing the weekly craft project. I think daddy is having as much fun with it as they are! This week it was:

A Cardboard Town
We have been saving all kinds of boxes and paper towel tubes etc. for the past couple of weeks.
A little imagination + scissors, paint, glue, and tape = Voila!

This was a house on the frontside,

and some sort of waterworks/waterfall on the backside.

...and a colorful one at that!

This house came complete with a twin bed for a Lego Guy inside.
And towering above it,
the town's water supply...

a diving board watertower!
*scroll back to picture #1 for scale*
Because really, it would be a waste to have a structure that tall with no good reason to climb it and dive off!
I've always said Younger Brother has a promising future career on Nitro Circus!
But I digress.
Two weeks ago, Craft Tuesday also involved the building of a town.
Only this time it was...

Toothpicks and Marshmallows!
They loved this one,
probably because it was edible.
And I loved this one, except for walking through my dark living room in bare feet that night and stepping on half of a broken toothpick, stuck point-up in the carpet.
That was awesome!
Still a good idea nonetheless.
And last week's Craft Tuesday activity...

Pipe Cleaner Fun!

There were silly hats

alien spiders

(of course)

(of course)

and glasses.

Brother and Sis had a dispute over what this should be.

He said it was a bomb.

She said it was clearly a flower.
I feel a Peter, Paul, and Mary song coming on!
Oh and,
"Hey guys, has anyone seen my phone?!"

Later in the day, pipe cleaner fun yielded a classic, "Younger Brother was here!" moment.

Found it!
Click here for another, "Younger Brother was Here" moment if you missed it.
And here ... he had just recently turned 4 in this one!
Man I love that kid!
You know, occasionally wanting to pull my hair out aside.