She's already in bed. But I did take a minute to grab my camera and tripod, and snap a few pics for her to see when she wakes up.
Check out the detail on this puppy!
(Click on the picture to see it larger.)
I so wish I could upload the non-compressed version for you to see!
Beautiful shot... great detail!
Very cool!! Great shot! Thanks for the call tonight by the way!! :)
I was so disappointed that night when the clouds came in before the moon came up. I waited outside for an hour but finally had to give up. And tonight I find it immense and beautiful right before my eyes. Thanks so much for all the trouble and expertise this must have entailed to bring it right to me. Someday I'll tell you the events on the evening I saw MARS.
It's 3:30 a.m. now, I couldn't sleep and thought why not go to little sister's birthday party. I'll bet it's on the blog. Yeh !
Double bonus !
I'm hoping so much that you will be here for the next big birthday event ! Let me know.
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