There are two forms of testing; Memory Master and Subject Master. Memory Masters are able to prove that they know 100% of the material for the whole year in all subjects. Younger Brother is Kindergarten age, so I thought that might be a bit much for him. Subject Masters are able to prove that they know 100% of the material for the whole year in a specified subject. Younger Brother chose Science. And I just have to say of his accomplishment, that this is no Sesame Street science curriculum. I don't have video of him doing his proofing, so I am going to list out the questions he had to answer to pass his test.

And then, he emerged!

In fact, the reason it took so long was because he had passed his Science proofing with flying colors and decided to go ahead and ace History too!
I hadn't even prepared him for that!
(Above) He is holding the cards I use to quiz him on his memory work. He does not get to use them for the test. Here is a sample of his testing. He must restate the question in his answer.
Question: What is Newton's first Law of Motion?
Answer: Newton's 1st Law of Motion is...An object at rest tends to remain at rest and an object in motion tends to continue moving in a straight line at a constant speed, unless an outside force acts upon it.
Question: What are some parts of the sun?
Answer: Some parts of the sun are...Core, Radiative Zone, Convective Zone, Sunspots, Photosphere, Solar Flare, Corona.
You get the idea.

1. What are 7 types of biomes?
2. What are 3 types of consumers?
3. What are the parts of the food chain?
4. What are the natural cycles?
5. How do animals react to environmental change?
6. What are 6 forms of pollution?
7. What are 5 kinds of stars?
8. What are some parts of the sun?
9. What are the names of the planets?
10. What are the phases of the moon?
11. Name the other bodies in our solar system.
12. What are some names of U.S. space missions?
13. What are the states of matter?
14. What is the difference between an acid and a base?
15. What are the 2 forms of energy?
16. What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion?
17. What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?
18. What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?
19. What is the 1st Law of Thermodynamics?
20. What is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?
21. What is the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics?
22. What are 3 characteristics of light?
23. How does heat flow?
24. What units are used to measure electricity?
I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty darn snappy for a 6 year old!
Of course, I am a little biased. ;)
The history facts are a little more lengthy, so I won't list them all out.
CC uses history sentence songs to help the kids remember names and dates, and they are tremendously effective!
He correctly answered all 24 questions on history facts beginning in 800 A.D. with Charlemagne and ending in 1994 with the election of Nelson Mandela and the ending of apartheid.

He loves reciting everything he's learned for grandmas, uncles, friends, whomever.
OK, first of all, I am going to need to know where his shirt came from, becuase it is PERFECT for my Jack =)
Second, way to go buddy! AND way to go mommy and daddy! You've all done a great job!
Also. I feel remarkably dumb after reading that list of questions.
That is really impressive! I think by high school I knew the answer to most of those questions.
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