Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"More party?"

As aforementioned in the post, "T'ea is for Toes", Friday is Tea Party Day! Normally, I am with Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, and Big Sis at their homeschool campus that day; but thanks to the holiday and a heating issue in the building that hosts us, we've had the past two Fridays off. I've decided these pics from an all-inclusive, whole family, M Family Tea Party Day are totally better off posted late than never! I mean, you just can't miss out on...

fine china



etiquette - or lack thereof

and dessert-time entertainment.

Oh, the entertainment!

It really can't be beat.

Biggest Brother opened the show with an original song called, "If I Had A Piece Of Clothing That Wasn't Frozen."

an instant chart topper for sure

and Daddy tuned the guitar as Younger Brother took the stage

with his own rendition of, "I Am Singing At The Party"

"...and Daddy is Captain America..."

they picked up a lead singer somewhere along the way

and jammed to their hearts' content

then Little Sis brought it down a notch with the tender original, "Chocolate Pudding"
while donning a moustache of - chocolate pudding

Biggest Brother does not take it down notches

I love my kids - they're hilarious

In the words of Princess A when she holds out her cup for a refill,

"More party?"


Monday, November 14, 2011

18%Grey ~ 100%Love

Who's the best assistant a photog could ask for?!

Thanks for helping Mommy white balance, Honey Buns.

~"concentration tongue" and everything~

You're such a hard worker!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Water Filtration 101

We had a fun new science project to do for school today. One of J's friends got the boys this kit a few days ago, and we finally had a chance to try it out.

Always start by reading the directions of course.

#5 was my personal favorite.

Well, since smuggling water samples from your friendly neighborhood porta-john is frowned upon apparently, our "dirty water" was a mixture of tap water, vegetable oil, and dirt.

We assembled the filter column, poured the dirty water in the top, and watched it trickle down through the gravel filter, the sand filter, the active carbon filter, and finally the paper filter.

Lookie there! It worked!

The kids were super excited to see the formerly brown water emerging on the other side crystal clear.


(Before and After)

Thanks for the science project, Mr. J !

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Smile if you love group photos!!!

Would it really be a true M Family group photo if there weren't at least one person having a moment?? Surely not! Does that ever hinder my endless pursuit of just one charming picture of all five of my kidlins together?? Nope!

That is why today, when I had to run back out to the farm to give the barn cat his insulin, I thought it would be a great opportunity to snap a few "quick pics" of all of the kids together on the scenic little tree lined lane.

My plan to prop Princess A on our pony saddle to keep her in one desired location worked famously...exceeeept that she did not want her siblings anywhere inside her personal bubble (presumably cramping her equestrienne style), much less hugging her as they had attempted in the frame before this one.

Soooo, plan B: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

"Okay guys, this is going to be the angry family picture!"

Little Sis didn't quite get the memo.
Which, on a related note, what the heck?! She refused to smile for at least a dozen pictures prior to this one!

Oh well, it is truly an M Family group photo at its finest!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I just sat down to eat my lunch, and....

...hmmm, it appears that something got a hold of this apple before I did!

Small bite radius, complete set of front teeth - I have a sneaking suspicion that a Princess A may have passed this way.