Would it really be a true M Family group photo if there weren't at least one person having a moment?? Surely not! Does that ever hinder my endless pursuit of just one charming picture of all five of my kidlins together?? Nope!

That is why today, when I had to run back out to the farm to give the barn cat his insulin, I thought it would be a great opportunity to snap a few "quick pics" of all of the kids together on the scenic little tree lined lane.
My plan to prop Princess A on our pony saddle to keep her in one desired location worked famously...exceeeept that she did not want her siblings anywhere inside her personal bubble (presumably cramping her equestrienne style), much less hugging her as they had attempted in the frame before this one.
Soooo, plan B: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"
"Okay guys, this is going to be the angry family picture!"
Little Sis didn't quite get the memo.
Which, on a related note, what the heck?! She refused to smile for at least a dozen pictures prior to this one!
Oh well, it is truly an M Family group photo at its finest!