Uncle A took this picture while he was with us at the hospital providing moral support and Princess A valet. Thanks for being there, Uncle A!

Thankfully, she should only need to wear the cast for about a month since buckle fractures heal so quickly. Also thankfully, the x-rays of her fracture clearly show that she really did trip and try to catch herself. Because I don't care who you are, you instantly feel like Parent Fail Of The Year when you take your toddler in with a broken arm two times in one year!
And most thankfully, the bones stayed within 4 degrees of the correct position so they did not need to "put it back in place" before they put her cast on. Praise God for that!!!
She had a snack and immediately sacked out cold in our bed, which gave me a chance to elevate and ice her arm before moving her to her crib. She didn't so much as stir the entire time!
She will follow up with an orthopedic doctor in a couple of weeks, as well as with her regular pediatrician. As I think I've mentioned before, Princess A has a life-threatening milk allergy. The discussion did arise that, while she drinks soy milk and takes a vitamin, she does not have any dairy products anywhere in her diet. We're wondering if that might have predisposed her to breaking bones more easily. We're going to check her Vit D level and see if she needs to be supplemented with additional Vit D and calcium.
And in the mean time, she's rocking cast color number two and enjoying all kinds of spoiling...as well as a serious advantage in hand to hand combat with her siblings! ;)
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