Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Monday Morning

So this is the way Monday morning begins in Younger Brother's world; at least it did this week anyway...

Seriously, it's pretty much impossible to predict what I will see upon entering Younger Brother's room - on any day!

This day had a little more flair than usual.

What in the world?!

Was he discovering his tribal roots?

I could only venture to guess.

But surely there must be some stupendous explanation for this extensive misuse of the Tattoo Pen Grandpa got him for Christmas...right??

Sure there is!

He was waiting for his sister to come play tic-tac-toe.

Of course!

Did I mention that HE is the tic-tac-toe?

...multiple games

...all ready to go

Did I also mention that this ink, being that it is 'tattoo' pen ink, does not exactly wash off in one day...or four?


I might have attempted to lecture him.

But I was forced to concede that I simply could not keep a straight face while gazing upon all of his creative glory, thus rendering my parental clout effectively useless.

Oh, Younger Brother, how dull would my days be without you!

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