Today, as we were driving home from Grandpa G's, Big Sis was happily singing princess songs in the backseat. Then came the commotion and tears of protest. From what I could tell, the boys weren't doing anything to her. Younger Brother was just singing his ABC's. And therein lies the problem.

Truth be told, the only reason he was singing was because he knew it would ruffle her feathers. As evidenced by the smirk on his face. And boy did it!
(Speaking of his face, that's a red Squeeze-It trip to Grandpa's is complete without one, or seven.)

She was furious about having been upstaged! I explained that brother was allowed to sing too. And he took FULL advantage of my ruling!

Her solution...take back the spotlight herself!
She began singing(shouting) the ABC song at the
top of her lungs trying to drown him out.
Eventually, I was forced to put a hold on all further crooning for the rest of the drive home.
But not before snapping a few reverse pics with my cell phone! :)
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