We spent our Friday evening down and Grandma K's house...which reminded me that I had not yet posted pics from our ornament opening this past weekend! Each year, Grandma K selects a special ornament for each of the kids. We wait until the rest of the tree has been decorated, then let them open and hang their special ornaments for the finishing touch.

Sis's ornament was truly made for her! So cute! It was funny though...she didn't know at first what it was. She held it up to her chest, and while shaking her head no said, "fit me."

Once she figured out it was an ornament, she was elated!

Younger Brother received a train. If you can see past the shadow, the look of "wow" on his face when he opened it was priceless!

Biggest Brother loves
Kwon-Do, and was equally excited about his ornament!

--and last but not least--

Poor Littlest Sis! She was so sick! She had a terrible cold was cutting two new teeth at the same time. There wasn't much of anything that could cheer her up...but we sure tried!

Happy first Christmas "Lee-Bear!"

Biggest Brother made our tree topper...a paper plate angel.
And Daddy hoisted Big Sis up to do the honors.

I snagged this pic from Daddy.
Behold, the 2008 M family tree!
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