Rewind to this past Monday...

This is a picture I took Monday of Younger Brother being "helpful". He is a very tenderhearted, intuitive kid. And I know he can tell it's been a difficult week for me. After bringing me every dandelion he could find in the backyard, he decided to "wash" the windows. His intentions were so sweet, I never did have the nerve to tell him that washing the windows with dirty sandbox water on a sponge wasn't exactly helpful! :)

Who knew that dirty window would account for so much entertainment four days later?!

Friday was a pretty gloomy day outside. But Younger Brother and Big Sis discovered that a bench, two paintbrushes, rainwater, and a dirty window add up to tons of rainy day fun!

They "painted" tracks on the window for at least an hour!
Well done guys! You are thoughtful, and creative!
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