Daddy was working a day shift this past Friday, so I dropped the boys off at school and took the girls with me for morning farm duty. I pulled the truck up to the barn, rolled down the windows, and started a Tinkerbell
DVD for them. But I kept noticing that Big Sis, who usually loves her
girly movies, was ignoring
Tink completely and staring longingly out her window. She beamed with excitement when I made the offer to let her help me take care of the horses! I captured as much of her adventure as I could on my cell phone cam. :)

She didn't give a second thought about dirtying her pink "
crocs" and went right to work delivering clean buckets to Dakota's stall.

...and filling them.

I didn't think a princess would be interested in the poop scooping part, but she was eager to help. I gave her a just-her-size scoop, and she happily scurried back and forth from the sawdust trough sprinkling fresh bedding in all the stalls.

After all the stalls were spic and span, I mixed up each horse's grain/supplement combo and gave her the scoops to help deliver breakfast. She gave it her best effort! ...She required a bit of a boost.

Then it was on to ring the breakfast bell. Okay, it's not really a bell. But rather a loud shout out to the pasture, "
H O R S E S!"
And in they came!
She was delighted to see Cowboy devouring the breakfast she'd made him!
She climbed up on his gate to watch him eat and informed me that, "It so yummy!"
Great job're a big helper!
And a girl after my own heart! :)
1 comment:
What a good little farm hand.
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