This morning, she appeared to be even more listless and acutely painful. So we spent most of the day at the local animal ER getting x-rays and fluids, and undergoing muscular-skeletal and neurological tests.
At this point her diagnosis is uncertain. But the doctors are leaning toward a possible tick-borne illness (Lime Disease, Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever) or an autoimmune disorder (polymyocytis) brought on by who knows what. She goes back to the vet in the morning to reassess and decide how to treat her from here.
The way she appears in this photo is actually a notable improvement from how she was. She ate dinner tonight, and is now resting somewhat comfortably...which is such a blessing! It's so hard to see her in pain and not be able explain or to help!
The IV meds and sedation she underwent today did seem to help break the pain cycle for her a bit. Plus, she is blanketed in the sweet prayers of 4 of her 5 pint-sized masters...and I don't doubt that that has to help too!
We love you Libber-mixers!
You are the very best dog ever!
Get well soon sweet girl!!!
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