As I mentioned in my "Scenes From An Evening Feeding" post, things have been even a bit crazier than usual around here recently. And even on a normal week, J and I work opposite schedules. So it's always fun when we are able to steal away and do something, all 7 of us together.

The kids (and Daddy) love to go to the skate park!

I'm pretty sure I didn't handle my bike this well at age 5

Or 9
Or even now.
Those ramps are a lot steeper on a bike looking down than they seem!

Uh oh, man down!

The gentlemen take a minute to commiserate.

You can tell this fall has really affected him. :)

Even the girls like going to the skate park.
Big Sis rides her bike for a little while...even on the ramps!
And then they mostly just play.

Hey Daddy, read number 1!
Basically, I have two jobs when the boys are doing their BMX thing:
1. Take pictures
2. Shout things like, "Put your helmet on!" and "Remember, if you break an arm, you won't be able to swim for 6 weeks!"

Courage mounts quickly.

Biggest Brother has no shortage of confidence.

And whatever Younger Brother lacks, he just makes up in recklessness.
I love the look on his face in this one!
(click on the picture if you want a closer look)

mini air

micro mini air

But I'm sure it won't be long before they can follow in Daddy's bike tracks.

Princess A is totally impressed...
or teething...
it's kind of the same expression.

When the boys were all biked out, or perhaps more the girls than the boys...

we walked over to the park to let them swing for a few minutes before lunch.

Princess A
loves to swing!

But who could stay awake after a fun morning like that?!
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