Anyway, J was gone most of the day on a freelance shoot for a local church. So the kids and I had to decide what to do with ourselves for the day. We had nowhere that we needed to be, the weather was lovely, the choice was simple really...
The kids could happily spend hours there just palling around, and did.
First, a picnic.
The boys wolfed down their food as fast as possible and hurried off to explore,
leaving the ants to enjoy the crumbs.
Big Sis and Little Sis entertained themselves for a considerable amount of time pulling leaves out of the water trough and "painting" with them.

This time, a flower for me!

Though their brand of exploring involves much less battle crying and sword wielding than their brothers'.
Can you spot the butterfly Little Sis was chasing?
Back from battle, I see.

From my place on the picnic blanket, I caught a glimpse of Big Sis telling Younger Brother how it is.
The boys get memos like this often!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention Princess A...
She was thoroughly enjoying sticks and leaves and farm field things as well!

Ace and Little Sis always seem to like to visit at this same gate for some reason. He always comes over to see her.

All of the kids love to help take care of the horses.
Big Sis especially is a true horse girl at heart.
The last time she came out with me, she spent a full 2 hours cleaning stalls, dusting cobwebs, and scrubbing the algae out of the water trough with a toilet brush...happily!
She works hard!
(For those who have recently joined my blog, click here for more to the story.)
Tossing out goodies from under the pear tree and watching the horses scramble for them falls in that category for sure.

(Brought to you by your, "Boy Humor" moment of the day.)

Princess A was infinitely patient as usual!
It's so nice to have such a peaceful, idyllic place to steal away to for the day.
Thanks Mr. A and Mrs. R for always sharing your amazing farm with us!