Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mommy's Girl

I'm sure everyone who knows me, or has followed this blog for a while, knows well the bond that I had with my late childhood horse, "Sugar." For the newcomers out there (Thanks for the follow!)...check out, Makin' Good on a Promise.

Unfortunately, I had to put Sug down about a week before my birthday last year.
So for my birthday, J had a handbag custom-made for me in her honor. And this year for Big Sis's birthday, he had an exact miniature replica custom-made for her!
I have to say, it warmed my heart to see her running around yesterday, barefoot, in her little earthy dress, with her "Sugar purse" across her shoulder.
I had a couple of people request a picture, so here you have it!


In related news, I am still working on going through last weekend's b-day pics and getting them posted.
Sorry MVH...yes, I am very particular. :)

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