Thursday, March 31, 2016


It's been a while and our cast of characters has grown quite a bit, both in number and stature!  

Biggest Brother is almost 15
He is hard-working, even-tempered, and personable.  He loves reading and skateboarding.  He is mature and helpful and seldom has a bad attitude.  He recently got his first job as a builder for a local bike shop.

Younger Brother is 11
He is fun-loving, daring, and inventive.  He loves Legos, cooking, listening to music, climbing (way too high), and is excellent with little kids. 
Very much the life of the party, I would be hard-pressed to find a picture of him not wearing a helmet or a gas mask, or hanging upside down from his harness in a tree.   

Big Sis is 9
She is everything good in the world.  Her patience, kindness, and compassion astound me.  She is introspective, nurturing, and mature beyond her years.  When she sees a need, she doesn't wait to be asked, she just steps in and fulfills it.  She loves reading, sewing, doing hair, and being with friends.

Little Sis is 8
She is hilarious beyond hilarious.  She is tender, quick-witted, smart, and feisty.  She loves art, music, My Little Ponies, making eggs, and making up songs.  She is passionate and sensitive.  And her laugh is infectious.

Princess A is 6
Grandma M once described her as very "straight and profound."  I don't think I could have pegged her more exactly.  Bubbly and quiet at the same time, she is always thinking and observing.  She is honest to a fault, and comedically so.  She loves coloring, Barbies, dolls, dress-up, and playing with her little brother and sister.


 Bubby is 3
He's just about the sweetest little boy ever.  He's laid back, snuggly, and caring.  He loves his blue blanket, Thomas the Tank Engine, birthdays, playing with trains, watching trains, reading about trains, talking about trains, dreaming about trains - did I mention he likes trains?  He is also a doting big brother to his baby sister.


Baby Sis is 1 1/2
She is an endearing combination of sweet-spirited, opinionated, and staunch.  She has no trouble making herself heard among the crowd.  I affectionately refer to her as my "short shadow" as she appears to enjoy following me from room to room more than playing with any toys I could come up with for her.  She loves music, Praise Baby, homemade soup, and her lambies.

I'm thankful to say we still have our good old dog, Libby.  She's getting up there in years, but she's still as sweet and infinitely patient as she ever was.

And we added a kitten (well, now a cat) to the mix.  Actually, she added herself.  Contessa accosted me while I was out running two summers ago and just decided she was moving in.  She is friendly and audacious and has a weird quirk of carrying socks all over the house like they are kittens.  She and Libby became fast friends.

And this is J and me now - 
basically the same, just a few years older and a lot less rested.

So there you have it, the M Family crew in a nutshell!