Thursday, April 20, 2017

K-Cup O' Joe

Baby Sis brought me coffee in bed this morning!

Wasn't that thoughtful?!

She came pattering into the room in her pj's, with her curly, blonde bedhead and announced proudly, "Here, Mommy!  I have yo' coffee!"

My favorite part was the personal touch.
I mean, who needs a machine thingy to poke a hole in the top when you have a perfectly good set of front teeth to do the trick?!

Thank you, Baby Sis.
It's the best cup of coffee ever!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Candy Caper

Hi, I'm Baby Sis.  I ate the contents of my Easter basket in less than 20 minutes.  I then attended an egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's where I collected about 3 dozen more pieces of candy - which I ate one after another for the next 3 hours.  Except I didn't.  Because the bag in my hand is my own candy.  The candy I ate was everyone else's.

The end.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Summer's a Comin'!

On an unrelated note, my baby girl cannot possibly be this big!!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Working from Home

Saturday mornings are my time to get caught up on any business-related matters I wasn't able to finish during the week - usually editing.

J and Biggest Brother go to the skatepark and the other kids veg out at home.  It's the only morning of the week that we don't have school or church, so I don't feel too bad about retreating to my office with a cup of coffee and letting the kids entertain themselves for a couple of hours.

Luckily, they don't have any trouble with that - ha. 

Of course, there are interruptions.  The idea that you can actually work while working from home with small children is hilarious.  But for the most part, I just listen to make sure the sounds I'm hearing don't necessitate intervention.

This particular morning, I had had several requests for help with bathing suits but was assured there would be no actual water involved, so I straightened straps and sent them on their way.  Not long after, I began hearing indistinct chatter and giggles punctuated by repeated, loud thuds.

It didn't immediately warrant an investigation.  The sounds were happy, and the overall noise level was about a 6 on a scale of 1-10.

If 1 is total silence and 10 is uproarious laughter - both of which indicate they are definitely doing something they shouldn't be - the middle of the road is a pretty safe place to be.

I was curious, however.

  Upon coming downstairs, I didn't find anything too out of the ordinary.  Though this did seem like a rather odd way to watch cartoons.
That luminous rectangle on the wall was only a momentary distraction, however.  They were actually all lined up to take turns jumping off of the armrest "diving board" into Bubby's blue blanket "swimming pool."

That's a cannonball.

I have to give them props for imagination.  And they didn't make a mess - so double bonus there.

(I should also give a shoutout to our sweet, old dog, who is by now so unperturbed by their antics that she can relax absolutely anywhere.)

 At one point, someone did land poorly and took a set of knees to the teeth.  So they decided they should probably be more careful . . .

That outta do it.
I mean - safety first!

Carry on!


And I did actually get a little bit of work done - huzzah!