Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Partners in Crime

 Fact:  Toddlers are the fastest criminals on the planet!

This morning, Big Sis appeared to be having some sort of strange allergic reaction.  I was waiting for a call back from the pediatrician, and when the phone rang I answered it and hurried out into the garage.  Because let's face it, it's basically impossible to have a coherent phone conversation in my house.

I was on the phone for maybe 5 minutes - maybe.

I walked back inside to discover that "someone" had given the dog a 5-pound smorgasbord of dog biscuits.  5 POUNDS!  Okay, 5 pounds minus 2 cups, because that's what remained inside the 10lb value box of treats that had previously been half full. 

 There were treats strewn from the basement stairs, through the playroom, through the other half of the basement, up the stairs, down the hall, and culminating in a true canine pot of gold, the dog bowl, which was filled to overflowing.  And there was a crazed beagle racing around collecting biscuits like a kid on an Easter egg hunt. 

(This was one instance where I actually cleaned up the mess before reaching for my camera lest the dog become absolutely sick.) 

I didn't have to look far to find the guilty parties.

Yep, that's them.
They're typically not hard to pick out of a lineup anyway, but "Beanie" there wasn't doing herself any favors.

There were plenty of alibis,

and an old fashioned snitch or two.

But "Beanie" was caught red handed.

We had a serious conversation -

 "You can't feed Libby so many treats.  It will make her sick."

Bubs:  "No it won't.  It will make her happeeeee!"

Lucky for toddlers, they aren't just fast criminals, they're pretty endearing ones as well.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

"And the Grammy goes to..."

Today was cold and rainy.  Younger Brother was helping me by providing a little entertainment for Bubby and Baby Sis so I could get the morning rolling.  But there is no small entertainment in Brother's world.  He is excessively creative, and once he's onto something his ideas tend to snowball.

This morning was no exception.

When I walked past the living room the first time, he was playing a parachute game on the rug with Bubs and Baby Sis.  When I walked past the second time, the parachute was on the wall, covered in Christmas lights, cameras were being hauled in, and a crowd was assembling.

Clearly, a major production was in the works.

And, oh, it was!

Bubby is a Coldplay fanatic.
Re-enacting concerts he's seen on Roku is one of his most favorite things to do.
And he takes it seriously!

What is that?  
His smolder?  lol

I guess the camera crew must have called for "smolder."

It just might be Bubby's dream come true.
And brother was the perfect man for the job.

(This one is my favorite!)

He was so inspired, he dove off the stage into the "crowd."

"Encore!  Encore!"

 Turns out, there was an encore.  Apparently, this was only dress rehearsal!  They played a second show for J when he got home from work, complete with ticket sales, ushers, and popcorn.  The lead singer may have gotten distracted and left the stage several times to steal popcorn from patrons in the front row.

I have to admit it was one heck of a concert!

When Bubby gets his first Grammy nomination someday, let it be known -

I got his first autograph!

Production Manager:  Younger Brother
Set Design:  Younger Brother
Sound Specialist:  Big Sis
Lighting Directors:  Younger Brother, Big Sis
Lead Video Operator:  Little Sis
Grip:  Baby Sis
Lead Vocals:  Bubby, feat. Princess A
Background Vocals:  Little Sis, Baby Sis