Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Belles and Ballerinas

I had the task of keeping the girls occupied today while Daddy and the boys fished all of the Christmas decorations out of the crawl space. We just so happened to discover Big Sis's old Belle costume, and it happens to fit Littlest Sis perfectly now! She doesn't have any dress-up stuff of her own (until Christmas...shhh) so she was delighted to wear it all morning.

As for Big Sis, she was happily sporting the new leotard that I found on clearance for $7.00 a couple of months ago....a perfect occasion to bring out such a find.

Dresses = Dancing, of course.

But dancing is sooo much more fun when a brother joins in!

Thanks for the entertainment Brother!
...Even if you were supposed to be downstairs helping...

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Here are a few shots from Younger Brother's Thanksgiving Feast at Preschool.

He did a great job singing!
I was very impressed that he knew all the words after how much school he's missed.

And I am very thankful for the new best buddy he has made this year.
M is also a very rough and tumble boy's boy!

They are two peas in a pod!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Compliments to the Chef

My son (the younger one) just told me in a most sincere fashion, "Mommy, the sandwiches you made make me think I'm going to throw up."
Wow, thanks dude! :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

On the Up and Up

Getting some fresh air, and feeling good enough to accessorize!

Monday, November 16, 2009


It was an interesting weekend here on the home front. And a long past five days for a baby girl.

This was her Thursday evening. Clearly not feeling well, but still making the effort to say, "Cheese!"

And time lapse about two hours.
Really really not feeling well!

The cough that she got overnight on Wednesday had started to sound pretty disturbing, she was achy and congested, Motrin was only bringing her temp down to 101-102, and the sound of her breathing was concerning....resulting in two late night phone calls to the Pediatrician.

Because she does not have any underlying conditions, he said there was no reason to test her. But based on her symptoms, the time of year, and the fact that she'd already been vaccinated for seasonal flu...his diagnosis: Likely H1N1

We've been SWINED!

Day 3

Doped up on Motrin, not any worse, but not feeling much better.

She spent Wed - Mon pretty much attached to Mommy.
I was on the fence about getting my H1N1 vaccine. But after being given a snot covered kiss on the lips, having her take her fingers out of her mouth and surprise shove them into mine, and throwing up on my face Wed night, I was feeling much better about having made the decision to get it!

A bubble bath offered a much needed boost in morale!

And helped her feel just well enough to enjoy a homemade smoothie in her favorite smoothie cup. That, and a bit of Pedialyte/Pediasure have been about the only things I've been able to get her to eat even still.

A smoothie was in order for Big Sis too...

Who had also started to not feel so hot!
Thankfully, a low grade fever and runny nose was as bad as it got for her.
The red nose is a result of her meticulous if she can just teach her brothers how to wipe their noses even half as attentively!

And finally some sleep for a weary girl.
Her coughing kept her from sleeping a wink all day long, and she would only sleep in increments, and in Mommy and Daddy's bed at night. It was good to see her resting so peacefully, even if it was two feet away from me on the couch!
Great job baby girl!
Way to stomp the guts out of some swine!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bedtime: The Impossible Mission

I think he was expecting me to tell him to change...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lil' Stats

Littlest Sis and I just returned from her well check-up at the Pediatrician.
She is 19 1/2 months old
32 inches (37th percentile)
and a whopping...
19 lbs 13oz (0 percentile)
Fun fact: Biggest Brother was 21 lbs at 7 months!
Oh baby girl, you'll get to ride forward facing one of these days!
But you're just so darn cute! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wee Fishes

Brother and Sis were super excited to learn this weekend that I signed them both up for Preschool swim lessons. Daddy took them to their first class, so I snagged these pics from him.

The age range is 3 to 5, so they both get to be in the same class.

I think they are happy about that!

Picture of the Day:Gotta love how all of the children are lined up nicely at the edge of the pool. Except, well, you know who! If you are able to click on the picture and see it larger, the best part is the look on the teacher's face!