SaturdayIf you couldn't tell from the last post, Big Sis has had horses on the brain the past few days. She was with me Thursday when I stopped by the barn to give Sugar her
meds, but we didn't have time to stay. She cried off and on the whole way home saying, "ride (followed by her imitation of the sound a horse makes) ride!" I told her I would take her riding this weekend. So today, I got to make good on that promise.

No girly girl could resist a horse hairdo!

Brushed and ready to go...she looks so cute all tacked up.
Hmm...I think Sis might have her beat on the cuteness factor though.
Big Sis always wears her helmet!
We let
Sug check out the "horse in the mirror" before mounting up.
I have to say....
...her balance has gotten quite good!

Thanks Mrs. R...great pic!!!

She had to take a quick break to play with
Sugie's mane for a minute. Now, if she just had some barrettes.

"Good girl Sugar...good girl."

I love this picture!

Given the attention span of a 2yr old, she rode for a very long time. Every time I asked her if she was ready to get down she said, "No. Ride!" After around 40 minutes, I finally coaxed her into getting down to go eat lunch.

We couldn't leave without giving our very special girl a very special treat! Big Sis headed out to the pasture to search for goodies under the pear tree.

Got one! And two. And three.

She needed a little help with this one. "Here
Sugie Sugie!"

Sug very sweetly stooped down to
Sis's level to say goodbye.
Thanks Sug!
Great Day!
1 comment:
Great Pictures! I loved the little story they told :)
We meant to get to the Tomato festival so the girls could ride a pony this year & it just didn't happen!
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