Monday, September 29, 2008

True Love

Littlest Sis had her follow up doctor appointment today (refer back to "Yucks and Double Yucks"). Her mouth looks much better. But while we were there, we had a small discussion regarding "Cuddles".

As you know, Cuddles is Sis's most beloved lovie. Unfortunately, she is not yet old enough to safely sleep with it, and that is a big problem! I have been setting the alarm on my cell phone after each time she wakes during the night in order to wake myself to take Cuddles away once she has gone back to sleep....and on and on, and on. Mommy is exhausted!
Doc says she needs a crash course in learning to sleep without it (aka take it away entirely at nighttime and naptime). Now, I'm usually pretty good at being "the parent". But just look at her!!! Could you put asunder a love like that?!

1 comment:

Shenandoah said...

Doctors don't know everything. Rebel.