Sunday, September 14, 2008

Delayed by....a Hurricane???

Well, I can't say I ever expected the blog to be delayed by a hurricane! Didn't see that one coming. Apparently neither did Gemstar when they decided to build our home out of PARTICAL BOARD!!!

It was an eventful day here on the homefront. We celebrated Grandpa G's 60th birthday and had our whole entire chimney rip off our house and crash through the neighbors' window! I got lots of pics but did not have internet access until late, so I will have to post them tomorrow. In the meantime, check out Big Sis's flower girl debut from Friday! :)

1 comment:

Britni said...

It sounds like you guys didn't loose your power then. I can't believe your chimney was blown over! I feel very lucky that our trees weren't knocked into our house.