Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dentist Day

Today was Dentist Day! Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, Big Sis and Little Sis all had appointments; but Princess A got her little mouth full of toothers checked out too.

I've found that it's just easier to schedule them all for the same time.

However after getting scraped and brushed last year while holding a baby on my lap and having four children in orbit around me, I have also found that it's easier to schedule myself for a different time! So I went last week, alone. :)

What made this visit extra special was that it was Little Sis's first ever trip to the dentist!
She volunteered Younger Brother to go first so he could prove to her that it wasn't scary.

Younger Brother of course jumped at the opportunity.

He and the rest of the kids love to go to the dentist! They actually jump up and down and squeal when I tell them it's time for their 6month check-ups.

They're a little strange like that!

Little Sis's turn.

She was not quite sure she shared the enthusiasm just yet.

But she bravely hopped on up anyway.

The bib thing was just a little big on her!

Miss J was very nice about letting her check out the instruments before she used them.

Not quite sure she was sold on that, "Tickle Toothbrush" thing though...

...but the promise of pink bubble gum toothpaste won her over.

She was super brave!

Truthfully, I wasn't too sure how she would do. She often flips out about me just brushing her teeth at night. But she was great!

I could tell she was feeling quite accomplished by the end of it.

Especially when she got to pick out her own new toothbrush from the drawer.

Great job, Little Sis!

Now your job is not to knock out any more teeth between now and your next visit!

If you missed out on that event...


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