It was a photo-worthy moment for sure.

So anyway, about that update...
It has been a crazy busy past couple of weeks around here! Not that it isn't always busy, but you know. And I regret that I haven't done a very good job keeping up with the blog! It's something fun that I do for me, so unfortunately it ends up getting the boot when there is work to be done. So here's to catching up, and what we've been up to around here:
1. The kids all had Croup in varying degrees from oldest to youngest. Princess A had it so badly that the airway constriction she was experiencing was making it difficult for her to breathe, and we spent most of Friday evening in the Urgent Care. She got oral steroids and an epinephrine breathing treatment, and is finally starting to feel better. Meanwhile, the upstairs of our house has been transformed into a virtual rain forest from the humidifiers cranking in various rooms!
2. We have been preparing for the big gigantic garage sale that we're having Friday and Saturday. I was hopeful that the mass amount of stuff we're getting rid of would start to make the house look a little bit less cluttered, but so far no dice.
3. I just ordered our new curriculum and will be beginning our summer reading and writing program in the next week or so.
4. There is more work to be done at the farm right now, so I am working extra days there. And on my own time, I have averaged 2 or 3 photoshoots per week recently...which requires editing time at night when the kids are in bed.
5. J works his usual 50hrs a week at the TV Station, and has picked up a second job cleaning his friend's office on the weekends...and works an occasional freelance shoot here and there.
So there you have it, M Family life as we know it. Crazy, but lovely and I wouldn't have it any other way! :)
Between all of our jobs, homeschooling, extra curricular activities and everyday life, I tend to get a little disorganized and a lot behind on things!
But I really am doing my best to keep up with my posts here; it's something I love to do!
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