Today officially began Biggest Brother's school-age career! He has literally been counting down the days! He is thrilled about everything from riding the bus, to being at school all day long, and even uniforms. He is ultra proud to be a big first grader!

Here's a quick shot of him out front before we ran to the bus stop...literally. I had to keep catching him and Younger Brother by their backpacks to keep them from leaving me in the dust.

First sight of the school bus.

I have to admire his confidence! He has never ridden the bus before. We found out as he was boarding that he takes this bus to one location, and then catches a different bus that takes him on to school. That information was somewhat sprung on us! I told him the number of the other bus and questioned him as to whether or not he felt okay with that. His response, "Yep! Bye Mom!"

Poor Buggy...he wants to be a big kid so bad! He does get to go to preschool this year, but does not get to ride the bus. I explained that to him ahead of time, but he still wanted to put on his backpack and accompany Biggest Brother to the bus stop. He looked so pitiful waiting there on the sidewalk while I was getting brother squared away.
That's it. Off he goes! sniff sniff
Okay, I had originally planned to follow the bus to school...or "stalk the bus" as my husband called it. I didn't go that far. But I did hurry on ahead of him to be sure he arrived okay. Daddy said it's a good thing that he's only in first grade lest I have sabotaged his whole social existence by waiting there with my camera for him to get off the bus.
He made it! Apparently the bus transfer was no big deal.
(btw the Target bag is additional school supplies)
He had to show off the cool new lunch box from Grandma K!

Last minute photo op outside of school.

All of the kids met in the chapel for the start of the first day.
He was excited to see old friends again. They all look so stinkin' cute in their uniforms!
Here's me saying, "Aw com'on, you know you want to take one last picture with me!" And him saying (verbatim), "Mommm, I gotta go!!!"

Aww, that was nice! Someday he's going to be too cool for this.
All lined up and ready to go - Thus begins first grade!
Back at home, I pulled out the surprise I had been hiding in my closet for Big Sis for this day. She was super excited, and happy to show off her Tinkerbell "packpack"!
She was spinning around here to model it. Too bad the camera doesn't show motion.
I'm pretty sure she had this on until about 6pm!
Biggest Brother had early dismissal today, so I picked him up rather than having him ride the bus home. I did not take a camera with me this time. But apparently, he had a fantastic day! When I showed up, he informed me that he wasn't ready to go home and would like to stay for two more hours!
1 comment:
You are so Brave. I would have been a mess and in tears. I hope I have it together when I have to go through this. Pre-school is a scary enough thought but riding the bus....sigh..:)
Too bad Ava already waits at the window for the bus to drive by every morning and jumps up & down when she sees in speed by (I swear the bus driver goes 50 mph down our street).
Good job Biggest Brother I am glad you had a wonderful first day! :)
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