It all began this morning as I was sitting at the kitchen table and the oldest three kids were playing in the basement. Younger Brother came running up the stairs marginally upset claiming that Big Sis (well little sis to him) had bitten him...for no reason!
Biggest Brother still holds to his story that Younger Brother tackled Big Sis. In which case, he kinda had it coming...but still.

In order to avoid total negligence, I did need to at least address Sis on the issue.
" no! We don't bite. Go sit down young lady."

Sis does not take kindly to being scolded. Brother immediately stepped in to console her.
"It's okay Sweetie. It's okay Sweetie."
"Want to watch a video?"

Yes, a video just might do the trick. Good idea Brother!

After all, she really is sorry!

And he really is just about the best big brother a girl could ask for!
This is too cute for words....they are so lucky to have each other...and to have you and J =)
I fully disapprove of you making her cry. He deserved it.
Ember's choice of defense is biting too,haha. Only when absolutely necessary though. Poor Big Sis looks so sad to be scolded. How funny that Little Brother is so sweet even afer getting bitten!
P.S- Mark & I rented Super Hero movie. It was so funny :)
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