Behold, Littlest Sis! She is 4 months old and still exclusively nursing, so I have the privelage of spending a good portion of every day just staring at her. Granted, I'm her mom so it's my job to think that she's magnificent.

But I wanted to share some pics that highlight a few of the things that make me stop and ponder the wonder of her creation! And that of all our children for that matter. It's awesome to think of God carefully knitting together all of her precious details before I was ever able to see them...

For starters, she has a great mouth!

And looong blonde eyelashes! She is the only one of my children who has had her eyelashes from birth.
I love the way she sucks her two middle fingers on her left hand and rubs her fuzzy pink blankie on her right cheek and is instantly comforted and sleepy.
She and her Big Sis share this beautiful and unusual characteristic. Her left pupil is 1.5mm larger than her right, just like Sis.
And I love the way she looks at me! She is truly a work of art.
She is a beautiful wonderful little girl and I love her too! You are doing great with nursing especially considering what obstacles you two have over come along the way these past 4 months!
Congrats on five years together! you've been rather productive in those years. :) All the pics are gorgeous...what a beautiful family you have. Love you guys...
Ellie Merritt
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