Tuesday, September 30, 2008


When shopping for the children, it's an unfortunate reality that there are always four times as many cute things for the girls as there are for the boys. Thankfully, Younger Brother is the least materialistic of the bunch and would be thrilled to exist totally in hand-me-downs. But I do think he deserves to have something of his own every once in a while. And finally! I found it! Something truly special for little boys! Check out B's new kicks...

How cool are these?! As I mentioned, he could care less about "stuff" but he was sooo excited when he pulled these out of the box!

He doesn't know this yet...but the treads on the bottom are made so they leave dinosaur footprints in the dirt.

I don't usually buy that sort of thing. But seriously, I couldn't pass this one up!


Monday, September 29, 2008

True Love

Littlest Sis had her follow up doctor appointment today (refer back to "Yucks and Double Yucks"). Her mouth looks much better. But while we were there, we had a small discussion regarding "Cuddles".

As you know, Cuddles is Sis's most beloved lovie. Unfortunately, she is not yet old enough to safely sleep with it, and that is a big problem! I have been setting the alarm on my cell phone after each time she wakes during the night in order to wake myself to take Cuddles away once she has gone back to sleep....and on and on, and on. Mommy is exhausted!
Doc says she needs a crash course in learning to sleep without it (aka take it away entirely at nighttime and naptime). Now, I'm usually pretty good at being "the parent". But just look at her!!! Could you put asunder a love like that?!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pretty in PJ's

Littlest Sis was looking awfully sweet this weekend in her new cool weather jammies! It was her first time wearing feet pajamas. She found the bears on her toes made her feet even more interesting than they already are!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Slower than...

Currently, the above pictured pond water is moving at LIGHTNING speed compared to my computer!

Posts already in progress once I get this fixed.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bad Hair Day

Big Sis got a new Barbie from her Uncle A, and she loves it! Her very favorite thing about her is her long hair that Sis can style all sorts of ways...literally.

Here she is sizing Barbie up for the perfect new do. Perhaps something with a little more volume. But no hairstyle can be aptly achieved without first selecting the proper beauty tool.

This edition of Beauty Shop bore frightening resemblance to Lobotomy Shop.

In Sis's own words...


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Making Nice

Well, Younger Brother made it to the third day of preschool before receiving toddler detention. That's where all of the other children get released to their parents at pick-up time except your child. And you get to go in and have a chat with the teacher. That's the best, let me tell you.

Teacher: "He was playing with trains and one of the little girls wanted to play with the track he was using. They got into a disagreement, and he bit her on the butt."

Me: "Excuse me?!!!"

In his defense, he is by no means a mean spirited little boy! He genuinely felt sorry about what happened. He's just way too impulsive for his own good. Nevertheless, he knows good and well how he is supposed to treat a lady! Here he is making a card to take to school for her tomorrow.

Since he can't print, I let him use stickers and glue words to the card. They weren't necessarily in the right order, and I covered them for anonymity...but you get the point. He was very excited and worked very hard on her card!

He asked me to write, "I'm sorry! And she says...it's okay."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Innovative Jedi

True to form, Biggest Brother was in living character color today. Although this time, he added a touch of flair. He asked Grandma to help him tape, yes tape, these strips of paper that he colored to his head. Not sure which character this is supposed to be exactly, but it looked convincing to me!

8 seconds

Younger Brother is a firecracker wrapped in fearlessness and agility! And based on what I saw today, if it weren't for some mad allergies, he would have some serious PBR potential! For those of you who are not familiar with the PBR, that's professional bull riding.

Free hand up.


Okay, we gotta work on that free hand thing. But he definitely stayed on longer than 8 seconds. He kept shrieking, "Higher! Higher!"

Well, it's not exactly media converage (yet). But no trip outside would be complete without a few circles from the police chopper.

"Hey kids...wave to CPD!!!"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Flower Garden

I was just admiring God's wonderful creation, and thought I'd post a few pics that I feel capture it well. And it's educational too! Some of the following were found online. Enjoy the flower garden!!!

Taraxacum officinale


Sonchus asper


Spiny Sowthistle

Leelius audreum


Littlest Sis

All beautiful...but number three is definitely my favorite!


Date Night

Grandma M watched all of the kids this weekend so Mommy and Daddy could go on a real, official, grown-up date! Here's the honorary date night pic taken in the Olive Garden parking lot. Thanks Grandma M...we had a great evening!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday Flashback

Daddy did not have to work Friday. So I took advantage of that opportunity to go have lunch with Biggest Brother at school. Boy, was that a blast from the past! Sitting in the cafeteria at one of those long folding tables, listening to kid conversations and watching the interactions between them...wierd! It was all exactly the same as I remember grade school.

He had a slight altercation with a third grader last week. He was sure to point his opponent out to me. Daddy was secretly proud of him for standing up to an older kid...but of course, we couldn't really let him know that.

At least for now, he still thinks it's cool for mom to come hang out with him. I know I need to enjoy that while it lasts!

I stayed for recess as well. The kids in his class play some game involving a girl team and a boy team. Apparently, the object of the game is to chase down and capture members of the other team. It actually gets rather brutal from what I saw. As you can see, Biggest Brother positioned himself on the girl team. I was a bit confused by this until he explained, "Mom, you're supposed to protect girls. It wouldn't be right to be against them!"

Good man! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Scenes from a Normal Sort of Day

Today was just your average sort of Wednesday...and I mean that in a good way!

My first sight upon coming downstairs this morning was my little Jedi Princess. No one can accuse her of not being well rounded!

Younger Brother and I waited outside for Biggest Brother to get off the school bus. This is when I asked him to look at me, so that I could sternly lay the ground rule that there was to be no name calling of passers by while waiting for the bus to arrive! Ask me why I had to lay that ground rule.

There is always great fanfare from the little sibs when Biggest Brother steps off the bus.

Not that this has anything to do with anything, but man I love her hair! :)

And last but not least, the update on Littlest Sis. I took her to the Pediatrician today after several days of fussiness and catching a glimpse of a sore on the underside of her tongue. Verdict...a kid virus. Poor thing has blisters all in the back of her throat and under her tongue. No wonder she has had such a hard time feeding. Thankfully, now that I know the problem I am better able to treat it with Tylenol and Orajel, and with food that doesn't involve suckling. She was much happier today. Here she is welcoming her first official bowl of rice cereal! Yum!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yucks and Double Yucks

Poor Littlest Sis had a tough day today! She is either teething something awful, or has her first cold. Either way, she was not a happy girl. The newly introduced exersaucer provided a few minutes of welcome distraction.

If you look closely you can see her fountain of boogers and drool. Still clear though...hmm...teeth? You know you're a parent when you critique the color and consistency of nasal drainage.

It doesn't matter how bad she feels, Brother is still hilarious!!!

I'm pretty sure he was pretending to sneeze and fall over here.

And when all else fails, meet "Cuddles". Cuddles is Littlest Sis's beloved pink silky. And it's only the very best lovie in the whole world! A little mommy time in the recliner, with TV and Cuddles, goes a long way when you're feelin' yucks.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Birthday Party, Ike Style!

Grandpa G is 60! Aunt L and I wanted to throw a little birthday celebration in his honor. We had hoped to give him a memorable birthday, but I guess Ike sealed that one for us!

We figured Grandpa would be missing in action for most of the party off playing with the kids somewhere.

But didn't quite anticipate this. Here's the "indoor gang" watching the front yard shenanigans.

Grandpa always has random fun up his sleeve!

Just wait...you'll see.

Here B...hold this!

The boys had great fun getting dragged across the yard by umbrellas in the 75mph wind!

Daddy was working for an optical illusion.

Aunt L took time to console a very nervous Beagle dog.

We were placing bets on how long the chimney would stand. Pretty sure they aren't supposed to sway like that! Daddy, in true photojournalist fashion, sensed impending doom and took a "before pic"...just in case.

Uhhh...what was that sound???

Hurricane remnants + particle board + chimney secured to house Lego style = the perfect storm!

Daddy went to the neighbor's house to help clean up the glass. It was after all, our house that threw the first punch. Thankfully, they had a sense of humor about it. They said if we wanted to come in their dining room, we could have just knocked!

I thought this little chimney topper dealio would make a great hat for pictures, but it was much heavier than anticipated...rats.


