He doesn't know this yet...but the treads on the bottom are made so they leave dinosaur footprints in the dirt.
I don't usually buy that sort of thing. But seriously, I couldn't pass this one up!
Welcome to the crazy, wonderful world of small humans - starring Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, Big Sis, Little Sis, Princess Aurora, Bubby, and Baby Sis...relatively speaking.
He doesn't know this yet...but the treads on the bottom are made so they leave dinosaur footprints in the dirt.
I don't usually buy that sort of thing. But seriously, I couldn't pass this one up!
This edition of Beauty Shop bore frightening resemblance to Lobotomy Shop.
In Sis's own words..."BEU-FUL!"
Since he can't print, I let him use stickers and glue words to the card. They weren't necessarily in the right order, and I covered them for anonymity...but you get the point. He was very excited and worked very hard on her card!
He asked me to write, "I'm sorry! And she says...it's okay."
"Hey kids...wave to CPD!!!"
Spiny Sowthistle
Leelius audreum
Littlest Sis
All beautiful...but number three is definitely my favorite!
At least for now, he still thinks it's cool for mom to come hang out with him. I know I need to enjoy that while it lasts!
I stayed for recess as well. The kids in his class play some game involving a girl team and a boy team. Apparently, the object of the game is to chase down and capture members of the other team. It actually gets rather brutal from what I saw. As you can see, Biggest Brother positioned himself on the girl team. I was a bit confused by this until he explained, "Mom, you're supposed to protect girls. It wouldn't be right to be against them!"Good man! :)
Younger Brother and I waited outside for Biggest Brother to get off the school bus. This is when I asked him to look at me, so that I could sternly lay the ground rule that there was to be no name calling of passers by while waiting for the bus to arrive! Ask me why I had to lay that ground rule.
There is always great fanfare from the little sibs when Biggest Brother steps off the bus. Not that this has anything to do with anything, but man I love her hair! :) And last but not least, the update on Littlest Sis. I took her to the Pediatrician today after several days of fussiness and catching a glimpse of a sore on the underside of her tongue. Verdict...a kid virus. Poor thing has blisters all in the back of her throat and under her tongue. No wonder she has had such a hard time feeding. Thankfully, now that I know the problem I am better able to treat it with Tylenol and Orajel, and with food that doesn't involve suckling. She was much happier today. Here she is welcoming her first official bowl of rice cereal! Yum!
It doesn't matter how bad she feels, Brother is still hilarious!!!
I'm pretty sure he was pretending to sneeze and fall over here. And when all else fails, meet "Cuddles". Cuddles is Littlest Sis's beloved pink silky. And it's only the very best lovie in the whole world! A little mommy time in the recliner, with TV and Cuddles, goes a long way when you're feelin' yucks.
Grandpa always has random fun up his sleeve!
Just wait...you'll see.The boys had great fun getting dragged across the yard by umbrellas in the 75mph wind!
Daddy was working for an optical illusion. Aunt L took time to console a very nervous Beagle dog. We were placing bets on how long the chimney would stand. Pretty sure they aren't supposed to sway like that! Daddy, in true photojournalist fashion, sensed impending doom and took a "before pic"...just in case.Hurricane remnants + particle board + chimney secured to house Lego style = the perfect storm!
Daddy went to the neighbor's house to help clean up the glass. It was after all, our house that threw the first punch. Thankfully, they had a sense of humor about it. They said if we wanted to come in their dining room, we could have just knocked!HOPE IT WAS A MEMORABLE ONE!