I'm playing a bit of catch-up here...but I didn't want to neglect to post pics from our outing with Grandpa G! The kids love walking through the woods by his house. And Grandpa is always good at injecting wonder into the experience! I'm pretty sure the boys think that there really are Storm Troopers out rustling in the woods!

Grandpa was a good sport about Big Sis collecting fistfuls of gravel in the "collectible items" bucket!
Littlest Sis was captivated seeing the tree canopy for the first time.

The boys were drawing with sticks and Biggest Brother was trying to convince me that this stick trail was in fact a snake track.

Big Sis found drawing with sticks to be great fun!
Littlest Sis is good at unabashed relaxation.

I was waiting for the crash.

Grandpa helped Big Sis walk the plank at the frog pond.
They were headed into the cattail jungle to hunt for frogs. Truth be told, every frog around could hear them coming 100 yards away and was now securely in hiding.
Lily Pads are so cool!

Thanks Grandpa G! That was super fun!
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