Grandpa G is 60! Aunt L and I wanted to throw a little birthday celebration in his honor. We had hoped to give him a memorable birthday, but I guess Ike sealed that one for us!

We figured Grandpa would be missing in action for most of the party off playing with the kids somewhere.

But didn't quite anticipate this. Here's the "indoor gang" watching the front yard shenanigans.
Grandpa always has random fun up his sleeve!
Just'll see.

Here B...hold this!
The boys had great fun getting dragged across the yard by umbrellas in the 75mph wind!
Daddy was working for an optical illusion.
Aunt L took time to console a very nervous Beagle dog.
We were placing bets on how long the chimney would stand. Pretty sure they aren't supposed to sway like that! Daddy, in true photojournalist fashion, sensed impending doom and took a "before pic"...just in case.
Uhhh...what was that sound???
Hurricane remnants + particle board + chimney secured to house Lego style = the perfect storm!
Daddy went to the neighbor's house to help clean up the glass. It was
after all, our house that threw the first punch. Thankfully, they had a sense of humor about it. They said if we wanted to come in their dining room, we could have just knocked!

I thought this little chimney topper
dealio would make a great hat for pictures, but it was much heavier than anticipated...rats.
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