Well, Younger Brother made it to the third day of preschool before receiving toddler detention. That's where all of the other children get released to their parents at pick-up time except your child. And you get to go in and have a chat with the teacher. That's the best, let me tell you.
Teacher: "He was playing with trains and one of the little girls wanted to play with the track he was using. They got into a disagreement, and he bit her on the butt."
Me: "Excuse me?!!!"

In his defense, he is by no means a mean spirited little boy! He genuinely felt sorry about what happened. He's just way too impulsive for his own good. Nevertheless, he knows good and well how he is supposed to treat a lady! Here he is making a card to take to school for her tomorrow.
Since he can't print, I let him use stickers and glue words to the card. They weren't necessarily in the right order, and I covered them for anonymity...but you get the point. He was very excited and worked very hard on her card!
He asked me to write, "I'm sorry! And she says...it's okay."
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