Being as old as she is, Sugar is missing some teeth and requires a special type of grain. I have been unable to find it at any of the mills in our area. So every few months I make the trek out to Plain City to stock up. There's nothing like some coffee, some
XM radio, and a drive in the country to spell relaxation...and it's actually become a tradition I really look forward to!

that's what I call some special occasion coffee! No, I don't consume this caliber of Starbucks just any old day. Which is another reason Feed Mill Day is so cool.
That's a venti nonfat iced white chocolate mocha latte with whipped cream and caramel drizzle in the cup and on top.
Oh joy oh joy oh joy! :)

Then on to another one of my favorite past times, a long drive in the country.

It's so nice to look around and see nothing but land. Not a housing development in sight!

There are however, some very nice horse farms along the way!

This one is my personal favorite! I snapped the pics as I was driving by at 50mph, so they don't quite do it justice in my opinion.

Wow, nice place! The horses I always see there are gorgeous as well!

My destination at last!
I got a couple of weird looks standing at the mill taking pictures of a water tower.
I don't think the good ol' boys at the loading doc are much into blogging...perhaps I'm wrong.

The Payload!
350lbs of Manna Pro Super Horse Senior in the back of my truck =

Happy Pony!
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